Monday, 9 July 2018

Adventures and tea and not always in that order!...

She was an adventurer at heart
but oh how she loved to drinking 
this tea from this mug in this chair;
Oh how she loved to be home....


When I was tidying my home up after the scrum of trying to find 'that journal' as we now refer to it at Homespun HQ, I got distracted with putting away books and such.  Yes I had the book case out as well.  Both the one in my stitching room and the one in the study ... I am telling you bomb site!!
Anyway I digress, it was hot on Friday and I could not help but flick through pages of books and start to read them.  I realise that I am missing reading too much so I made a kind of mid way through the year resolution to read more.  To finish me work now around 6 pm and have an hours read before I start the supper of an evening whilst waiting for my husband to get in from work.  Also at a weekend when we are not actually having to rise with the larks and go off somewhere to have my first cup of coffee in bed and have an hour read before I get up and on with the day.  I believe our brain needs it and gosh you go into another world and an adventure and not leave the comfort of your home do you not?

At the moment and not wishing to wish our Summer months away, I am waiting patiently (er well, not really) for the new Kate Morton book to come and land on my mat in September.  It has been nearly two years since her last book and so The Clock Makers Daughter has been pre ordered and I can not wait to devour it. 

Other books have not been great for me lately and I guess that is why I had stopped reading yet I have 5 new to read.  I have decided though to re read one of Kate Morton's books though to get me back into the reading world.  I thought about telling Miss Muddy Beak about my plans but thought better of it as her disapproving look at the thought of me not feeding her at dawn of a weekend might get her all of dither!

Do you want your adventure now, or
would you like your tea first?
J M Barrie. Peter Pan.

Anyway I did manage to get some order in to the house and the stitching room on Friday and over the
weekend so that was good for me and my soul.  If it is all tidy I can be creative if it is not my head is a jumble and I really can not thing well.  I like to clear the decks basically.  Some like to work in a creative mess, I am afraid I am not one of them.

A weekend at our friend in Devon is nearly upon us too and I am looking forward to that.  It is always wonderful there and magical but when the sun is shining and the waterfall is running down into the stream well it is peaceful, tranquil and of course you surrender to the rest and relaxation of it all.  He is a chef and I do not have to worry about shopping lists and cooking for a few days so it is a great time for me.  I will take my little sketch journal ( now I have found the blighter) and hope not to loose it along the way.  Last summer when we were there in Devon I saw a beautiful kingfisher flying close to the water just above the top of the stream it was amazing and I had not realised until I had seen one up that close, just how tiny they are.  The two owls that are there talk to each other at night and all is well with the world.

I managed to also get some journaling done sitting at the table outside in the shade.  It was beautiful and hot but in the shade with the sea breeze well it just made it a really lovely place to be for a few hours.  There were lots of butterflies and bees around the sweet peas and lavender and every so often an most gorgeous dragon fly would swoop around the little fountain.

Over the weekend we sat out until it was dark and the fairy lights and candles were going and two
tiny bats were playing over the trees and eating up insects I would imagine.  They were so pretty and gave us the privilege of their company for a good half and hour as well.

Today though I have got my wicker basket full of my stitching that must be done and I am ready to get out in the garden to my 'summer office' and start in earnest and hope that the needle does not keep slipping.  I felt like a pin cushion the other week and it is amazing how much your fingers bleed too.

I have a little doodle pad with me and a pen and I will take out a fresh pot of coffee and a juice to start me off. 

I have high hopes of finishing two pieces of stitchery this week and I am going to do my upmost to get this done.  I have some buttons to cover as you know and they must be done this week as well so that I can take them down to Debbie for my dresses and give her some cabbage and roses fabric and say ... surprise! think she may ban me from vintage fairs if this continues.....

I hope where ever you are today that the sun is shining for you and that you have a most wonderful day... as always Happy Stitching! XX

I haven't been everywhere
but its on my list!
Susan Sontag


  1. You haven't seen a bomb site till you step into my house, I live in Steptoe's Yard! (For readers from abroad an old TV series from the sixties)

    This weather is far too hot for me, so its the shade and patchwork.

    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Morning Julie!
      Oh you just made me chuckle! Steptoes yard!
      At the weekend my husband hobbled out and bought a huge ceiling fan for our bedroom! Oh my, highly recommended.. last night it was heaven sleeping and it quiet too.
      Getting them for other bedrooms now and maybe one downstairs....
      truly truly bliss.
      Not all my house work got done but a little day for me.
      I hope you enjoy the shade and patchwork, sounds idyllic to me, wish we were nearer. Would join you!
      Sarah xxxxxxx

  2. Morning Sarah, I've had lots of armchair adventures...they're much safer😂. It's a bit hot for adventures really, I don't do well in high temperatures, hoping it will cool just a little bit. Doggies aren't happy with early morning and late night walks as it makes it a long day for them.
    Your friend's house in Devon sounds lovely and relaxing.
    I'm trying to do some fiddly stitching but keep dropping the needle or the thread slips out of it and I get hot and bothered.
    I must have a look at Kate Morton's books, I know she is very popular from my time at the library.
    Lovely pics today of the journal and the pretty handwritten quote.
    Enjoy your day x

    1. Morning Dawn
      Aww poor doggies, ceiling fan is the way to go believe me. Andrews wired it in our bedroom! Bliss.
      Kate Morton is a fabulous writer and you loose yourself in her book, you are there and you are part of it, sign of a great writer.. descriptive but not waffling!!
      I am finding it hard to stitch all day, it can’t be done. So behind but it’s the way it is! Looking forward to our visit to Devon.
      Hope you have a good day .. oh by the way my sister’s dog goes and lays in paddling pool! ... maybe your two pups might like that too..
      Have a great day.
      Sarah XXX

  3. Love this Monday read Sarah! Great work done in your sewing room. That is awesome....a beautiful sunny day here today.

    I like your thoughts on getting your reading in. I have never read the author you mentioned but will.

    Need to do some weeding and cleaning this week myself. Enjoy your day. ❤💕

    1. Thank you Lora, pleased you enjoyed the read.
      You will, I am sure love a Kate Morton book... another time and place, then back to present.. they are good reads.
      Enjoy your lovely weather and gardening...
      Decided to clean every day for an hour .. better than nothing ..
      Sarah xxx

  4. Ceiling fan does sound brilliant. Bought a paddling pool but doggies not interested!!! Xxx

    1. Hoping you get in pool then! .. I would😘
