Friday, 15 June 2018

Beatrix Potters mice need to come help me ... slow stitching morning!

Three little mice sat down to spin
Pussy passed by and she peeped in
What are you at, my fine little men?
Making coats for gentlemen.
Shall I come in and cut off your threads?
Oh no Miss Pussy you'd bite off our heads ...

Beatrix Potter - The Tailor of Gloucester.

I could do with some of those little mice and their tiny little slow stitches, It has been such a busy week and it has gone very fast indeed.

My work basket does not seem to be going down and I feel as if I have a little prankster here putting more in ... could it be mice? or my imagination? ....
Working in the garden though has been wonderful this week apart from on one occasion with the rain.

I have to work this morning as our friend is arriving here this afternoon.  Then the catching up and merriment will start straight away.  We have the weekend and the weather looks to be good so the weather men say .. but hey what do they know half the time.  The Summer has come back a little here and it is much warmer but I think by this afternoon it will be back in the 20's so fingers crossed. A drink in the garden when he arrives would be just the ticket.

Well I can not say that I have 'no more twist' because I have a good bundle of it in my work basket to get some serious stitching in before our friend arrives later today.

Yesterday was so strange not seeing Mum and she was on my mind constantly, I do not think now she is able to know days so I took comfort in knowing she was not looking for my Sister and I but still be both said how unsettled we felt with not going for our family day ...

As I had some extra time that I had not planned on I did some journaling in the garden - yes it cleared
up by lunchtime and was so hot and sunny and the smell of the roses it was beautiful.  Out sweet peas are doing amazingly well and have lots of buds on them already.  A far cry from last year when everything was so late.  Our grape vines have lots of tiny bunches of grapes on too... Summer really is a good one in England this year..

I am writing up my family history in a leather bound journal and I have a personal one as well it contains my thoughts and what I love .. Words ... .. I love poetry as you may know and have been reading some on here, from Dawn, who my lovely readers is well read in such things.  It is wonderful. We share so much in common, even the love of sketching, calligraphy and of course stitching.

Slow stitching got done yesterday but I have to confess that the mushroom sampler is not finished yet.  I am hand embroidering the words and the sun was shining and well I was sat watching the birdies and drinking a lovely cinnamon tea.  I was doodling in my ideas journal and generally faffing about and so I did not stitch as much as I had intended.  The thing was I had stitched in the morning but the sun came out and that was it .. to the garden I trotted. 

If the weather is beautiful over the weekend I can catch up as we all sit in the garden but I prefer sitting under the umbrella and others like to fry themselves in the sun .. not for me.  I just stick my legs out.

Then we can all talk and I can stitch and sip a drink and I am one happy stitcher!

I have decided to take Monday off and enjoy my long weekend with our friend so I will be back here nest  Tuesday, Lots of people are enjoying the sun at the moment and I am giving myself the day off. Well probably not from stitching but from my laptop at least.

So for today I am off with last minute preparation for a Italian evening tonight for supper.  It will be melon with parma ham to start.  I have cooked a Lasagna and that will be served with salad and then it is tiny weeny figs in cinnamon and wine syrup with mascarpone cheese ....  The dear little figs are no bigger than your thumb nail ....

So that is our evening sorted tonight and I am hoping we can eat outside if it stays this hot.  Hot evenings outside with all the fairy lights and lamps lit in our garden is lovely.  I do have quilts folded over the back of the chairs just in case!!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend .. It is Fathers Day on Sunday here but alas my darling Dad is flying with the angels.  I will leave on Sunday morning when the house is asleep and pop and see him and put flowers there for him.  If he were here still I know we would be together, he never missed one. 

If you are with your Dad on Sunday here in England enjoy him, if you are like me and we can not be then remember him and smile as I do, wouldn't have wanted another Dad ..he was the best as I am sure yours was too  ...

Have a lovely weekend and as always .... Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Special Beatrix Potter.

    Wonderful meal planned...Journaling, sewing, calligraphy and gardening such wonderful and satisfying activities.

    Enjoy your long weekend.

    1. Thank you Lora you have a wonderful weekend too! ..
      let’s hope the sun shines for us all xx

  2. Love the pretty little scenes you've set up today with a dear little mouse and oh so beautiful spool. I do love mother of pearl.
    The meal sounds really delicious, lucky Charlie. I've never seen any tiny figs, interesting. One of our favourite dishes is Tuscan Garlic Chicken ( with quorn fillets for me and chicken breast for Dale), it really is scrummy and looks great served up in a rustic pot with crusty garlic bread and pasta.
    I understand that feeling you had when you weren't allowed to see for your mum due to the infectious bug, it feels all wrong and you can't really settle to anything as you would normally. I will be missing my lovely dad as well, bless him. It took me a very long time to come to terms with Father's Day after he was gone, I felt envious of all those other families who were celebrating together. Time has changed that, thank goodness but I still feel the pang in my heart.
    Thank you for your kind words, I believe we are 'sympatico' in so many ways and it's just lovely.
    Enjoy your long break xxx

    1. Hello Dawn

      I am so please you enjoyed the blog. Our meal went down a treat! The dessert a triumph. ( thank goodness! ..,you buy tiny figs in a jar (Waitrose) ..
      that Tuscan chicken sounds gorgeous! A bit of me ..,
      Ah Father’s Day .. the first one with out my Dad was awful and I over heard to ladies moaning about having to buy a card and how expensive it was. I flipped ! Total out of character for me. Told them how lucky they were to still have a Dad and that I didn’t! That they were mean hearted, all sorts of things! Leftvthem with tears in their eyes .. couldn’t help it!
      As you say time heals the wound but for us Dawn a large scar remains..
      So my dear friend here is to our beautiful Dads .. we are lucky girls!

      Have a lovely weekend..

      Sarah xxxx

  3. Oh dear, can't be doing with people like that! I always just think to myself, one day they will know and regret.
    Glad the meal was such a success, sounded lovely x
