Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Simplicity of designs ....

Let everything you do or say
be seasoned with grace.

The Shakers.

Tomorrow being Wednesday is my day where I usually have a little sketch and also look through my other designs and sketches to see what I am going to make or discard.  I have some things to make for print so I want to see if there is anything there that is spec or can be tweaked maybe.

I am very much wanting to do a sampler type design with a Shaker/Primitive theme attached to it.  As you all know I am very interested in The Shakers and their lifestyle and particularly in the sisters who were so talented at stitching and painting/art work.  They too loved words and poems and I did some sketching whilst at The Shaker Village last October so it is time to revisit my sketch book and see what I can use.  It was a beautiful day and no rain and it was warm with a little breeze and I have put that in the margin of my book.  I can see me being immersed in it with all the wonderful memories that will no doubt come back....

The image that you see on your right is something that I took a photo of  there and you know it just sums up the simplicity of their beautiful life and also gets me thinking about things to sketch and what ideas I can come up with for this new sampler.  I love lots of the primitive images and the simplicity as I have said, sometimes less is so much more and that is going to be my aim for this piece that I want to create.

Looking out of my sewing room window at the icy rain I can not help but wish it was snow, it is so beautiful and the world falls a little silent in it.  It is like having a white blanket of peace thrown over the land.

The south coast where I live does not have much in the snow department and being very close to the sea and the salt air does not help the snows cause.  I think the snow would be more cheerful than the icy rain that is hitting at the window as I write this.

The birds are not keen on this weather and the garden is very quiet and I am imagining now that the birds are still tucked up in their nests waiting for a break in this rather brutal weather to come down and have breakfast.

I too am later today I was nestled in our bed very cosy and listening to the rain and dropped off again! Then when I woke I thought I will just have a quick truffle around in my linen stash and the time just flew I am afraid.

Not only will I get inspiration for the design that I have spoken about in my my sketch book but also in the fabrics that I see and choose for it so there was some pulling out of gorgeous linens and fabrics.

I love every aspect of going about a new project from sketches to seeking out gorgeous vintage fabrics, linens and other treasures - to putting it all together in a project basket for the design I have decided upon to the slow stitching process which is almost hypnotic.

Sat by the fire with candles and fairy lights aglow and lucky enough to think in the warmth of our home is such a treat and as I always say I am very grateful that I am able to do it especially on such a bitter January day like today.  It is a sleety rain that is pattering on my window but my little star fairy lights are brightening my view and still not a bird in sight not even flying in the sky.  That is unusual as there are normally seagulls which seem far more hardy in their mission for food.

With the primitive sampler in mind there is no frivolity at all but I must always have a button in my work it is my thing so I will try and choose one appropriate to what I sketch and finally start to stitch.  Tomorrow then is when I will work on what to sew.  I am going to have a wonderful day immersed in this project.  It will not be started for a while as I need to finish what I am working on at the moment and finish up some more little pumpkins ... I have become really addicted to them as well.

I will have to have a good look through my fabrics and buttons and of course choose some hand dyed shaker threads too.  It is a day of pure wonder for me.

Today though I am behind my time and after I have finished writing this blog it is go have some breakfast and then it is go around and light candles and sort the fire out ready to light.  Then check in my project basket for the little pink and white three mice who still appear and I think sleep in my project basket at night all cosy in the paisley folds  (if you are just joining us here the three mice are the ones that I bought before Christmas and they have string tails and button eyes and have been having adventures around our home)

When I am sorted I am going to sit and slow stitch today but will keep my jotter by me just in case an idea should pop into my head but I need to concentrate on what is needed today.  Well what do you know the rain is stopping and leaving behind a very grey cold day but I spy some little hungry birds who have started to come for their breakfast.  I think I will go and join them from our dinning room I can watch them as well and have my late breakfast too.  What ever you are doing stay warm and cosy and if you do not have to go out today light some candles and stay off the treacherous roads.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will see you back here on Thursday morning.  As always have a wonderful Happy Stitching kind of day! XX


  1. I share your love of Shaker Sarah. It's beautiful in its simplicity. Well, we've had snow and now it's rain - the hens are not happy!! I shall definitely be lighting candles too! Have a good day. Mo xxx

    1. Morning Mo

      I wish we would have a blanket of snow it seems to me its far nicer under foot with the crunch of it.

      You would love the Canterbury Shaker Village and in the fall it is eye popping in its beauty with the forests that surround it with all the colours of Autumn/Fall truly.

      Shakers believed in simplicity but they did make their things beautiful ( I do not think they even knew it sometimes) functional was the purpose but their stitchery and art work was amazing really amazing ..

      Have a wonderful day and enjoy the candles and sewing later .. first the duck roof.

      Sarah xxx

  2. It all sounds very cosy and comfy. How lovely. Being a dog owner I have to brave the weather and a very muddy park! I left a comment on your post yesterday but it disappeared?
    Love Dawn x

    1. Hi Dawn

      Yes with doggies it’s whatever the weather ! Where did your comment go!!! Not seen it!

      It’s a cosy day here inside but bitter outside.

      Have a lovely day XXX

  3. Have you ever been to Claverton Manor in Bath? Its the American Museum. Its been rather wet here in Somerset

    Julie xxx

    1. Hi Julie
      Yes I have several times and once to a fabric and textile fair there too, it’s beautiful.

      Think it has been soggy everywhere today. Hope you are feeling better.

      Sarah xxxxxxx

  4. Hope you had a restful, but productive day Sarah. See you soon lovely lady xx

    1. Hello Lizzie

      Yes it’s been a lovely day and slowly productive too!

      Be lovely to see you and Jack .. it’s been too long thanks to my flu!
      See you soon!
      Sarah xxx

  5. you wouldnt want the snow if you lived on top of the hill I live on Sarah, its been a nightmare recently.
    I love the simplicity of the Shakers and think I might add it to my list of things to read about this year. I'm currently reading about a chap who swam his way round England via canals, rivers,ponds, lakes, sea, wherever there is water he swam in it. The tales and history or fantastic. He's called Roger Deakin and the title is Waterlogs
    Have a great creative week
    LYnn x

    1. Hello Lynn

      You are probably right .. about the snow but when you just never get any !

      How fascinating.. on my list now ..

      You will love the Shakers I am sure, clever, gentle and fascinating people, with oodles of talent..

      Have a great week also.

      Sarah xx
