Monday, 29 January 2018

Faded Beauty ....

With slow stitch after slow stitch tension
fades and my  lips curl to a smile.
The faded beauty of preloved
 fabrics on which to stitch  upon Is magical.


Needles are threaded and the cosy scene is set. Candles at the ready and the fire just waiting for a
match to strike.  Today is nothing but delicious hand stitching .

When I have a full day of hand stitching it is like with each tiny stitch I make in the folds of the faded and preworn vintage fabric the world and all it's hustle and bustle fades away and it seems that you become almost one with your work.

I get into a flow and rhythm and it is so enjoyable and relaxing, I am very much looking forward to today and the start of my working week.

My sweet birds have been fed although they do not seem aware yet as it is still dark and await them stirring from their nests.  As I was curled drinking my first coffee of the day my mind wandered back to last year and was wondering who had my scraps of vintage paisley fabric and if it is so comfy and cosy and pretty - they might well just want another five minutes roosting time this morning!!

Since then I have been saving more little thin strips of paisleys for this years nesting and indeed when I see signs of them breaking twigs to patch up their homes I will again pop some out in our pear tree and it will be strictly on a first come first served basis.  I believe I have collected enough for at least 6 lots so there might be an 'up market' row of nests in the neighbourhood very soon.  Not to be seen on Zoopla! ( for anyone not in England reading this Zoopla is a on line Estate Agent/ Realtor)

With Christmas well and truly over I am looking forward to the Vintage Fair Season to kick off and it just so happens that the first I know of is a smaller more intimate affair that will be run by Lizzie and Jack of The Washerwoman fame.  There will be fabrics, threads, buttons, haberdashery and all manor of vintage goodies on offer.

This fabulous Spring pop-up textiles fair  is on Saturday 10th February 2018 and is from 9am - 2pm at Lydeard St Lawrence Village Hall near Taunton TA4 3SE.  It will be a grand rummage with antique and vintage textiles, French toile, upholstery fabrics, scrap bags and a collection of vintage costume including 1930's wartime dresses and I personally can not wait.

I may see some of you there.  Lizzie and Jack go over to France to do lots of their buying so there will be treasure abound and a hall full of vintage goodies.  It is a wonderful event as you can meet up with friends and also be able to ind a few fabrics for your stash ladies.

The very first time I met Lizzie and Jack a few years back now I purchased my first good large piece of vintage paisley.  It had never been used and still had the wax on the fabric and it was about four meters  --- I still have some left today that I can not bare to part with.

When I have the pleasure of going through my fabrics I tend to remember who I purchased from and mostly I have to say which fair it was at, not every time for the fair as I do go to a few in each given year.

This is part of what I am always saying that there are memories concealed in the weave of old fabrics and I wish oh wish they could tell their story.  Were they a part of someones wardrobe of from an eiderdown that once sat proudly on a beautiful bed ... when were they cut up and where have they been hiding for 100 years!

We are coming to a close of January 2018 already can you believe it. In two more days it will be February and so the earth turns and much too fast these days it seems to me at least. How can it be over a month ago since Christmas Day .... 

I also need to start decorating for February and get all the hearts out in bowls and hanging around and of course decorate the little light up tree in our dinning room that changes for every season and occasion in our home.  They all stay there until March when the blossom goes on the tree and then Easter is added ... Summer and so on and so forth. 
In the garden I have some beautiful snowdrops and the bulbs are pushing through the ground.  Spring is not that far away just a month really because February can bring some very cold spells and further snow as is its want -- it likes to surprise us.  I am happy with open fire and candles for a bit longer as I really have not finished my hybernation just yet.  It was a long bout of flu for me and it has left me very weary and very cold ( hot water bottle helps with that - still) and so just at this moment in time I am happy stitching and resting and enjoying the cosiness of the hygge we have created here in our home.  I love the reds of the quilts still and they are there until Easter ( if it is cold at Easter they stay until May)

Well for this little bit warmer Monday morning I am going to wish you all a great day and get to my hand stitching.  As always Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Yes its hard to believe it was only a month ago it was Christmas. Your house sounds wonderful with its changes month to month

    Julie xxxxx

    1. Hi Julie

      I love changing bits around with seasons it makes it cosy in the dark months and fresh in the Summer and Spring ..

      Sarah xxxxx

  2. Good morning Sarah! Thank you for the lovely mention of our next event. Have a wonderful day stitching xxx

    1. Morning Lizzie

      You are welcome, we will be there it is just what is needed a good vintage fair event and a meet up with friends.

      Sarah xxx
