Monday, 20 November 2017

Light the candles & Stitch

“A flame that flickered,
And a soul that whimpered,
A candle that blazed,
And a fragrance that raised.

The flames were fed the same,
But one remained diminished,
While the other touched vintage!” 
 Jasleen Kaur Gumber.

When we were in the Summer months and my days started this early it was already light, the birds were singing and the moon was yawning goodnight and the sun stretching to say hello it was a perfect start to my day because the world outside was still in slumber but nature was awake.

Miss Muddy Beak and Mr Fat Robin awake and waiting for their breakfast along with Mr and Mrs Blackbird and all the other beautiful birds that visit.  Mr Squirrel is the funniest of creatures and plays in our pear tree whilst awaiting his peanuts in their shell.

 Although now it is very dark and chilly on the early morning starts I am not sad at all.  I love my seasons and this, the Winter season, is just perfect with candles lit and the Winter aromas of them that I adore filling the house along with fairy lights popping on.  There is a cosiness to the start of my day now and as I sat all wrapped up in a quilt drinking my coffee there is a peace that hovers over Homespun HQ.

 My husband has extremely early starts and when he leaves the bed it is not as cosy anymore, so I might as well get up and start my day.    The birds are not even out in our garden then and it is not such a mad dash to get out to them to top up their feeders and bird table.  The chuckle brothers ( the baby magpies) who have grown so much now still come into the garden together but the child like games are coming to an end.  They would hang upside down off of the fig tree and chatter and peck one another.

When I start to write this blog it is still dark and then of course it is suddenly light when I am about to finish off here and start my day ..  I love the early morning coffee or Cinnamon tea whilst quietly contemplating my day.

I write what I am thinking and some of the time I do have time to go through with spelling and grammar and other times I only have a very quick sift through so excuse any mistakes that appear in here along the way. I write from the heart and what is on my mind daily....

Today I have a whole day at home alone and I made a list for myself for today's tasks. There is the matter of some more housework bits to complete and when the light fades I am going to continue with a design I am working on,  normally do that on a Wednesday being as there is no blog on that day but this week it is all change.  

Thursday is my friend Jo's  Birthday and this year we are spending it together.  I am taking her to my hairdressers for a cut and blow dry as part of her present.  

Friday I am at The Country Brocante in Sussex and Saturday is The Vintage Bazaar in Devizes you see so it is a very busy few days.  I will report back next week some time on the fairs that I visited at the end of this week.  I am thoroughly looking forward to it as I have not been to a fair since beginning of September.  With the holiday taking up all of October in some way or another. 

So there will be no stitchery for 4 days!!! so today is all about that and getting some bits done and when the light disappears then it will be sketching and doodling away.

The mice are making themselves at home and I thought I saw one looking thoughtfully at some Christmas wrapping paper, I will have to check it for nibble marks !!

Well that is it for today from me as I am itching to be stitching! So all that remains to say is I hope you all have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Love your beautiful quilt and pin cushion. Do you have any more of your lovely work to show us as I loved your sampler. So inspiring. Xxx

    1. Hi Dawn
      Yes I will show some more later in week for you.

      Thank you glad you like sampler.
      I love my quilts and each one has a history and story .. I wish I knew what they were.
      Collecting quilts, I could fill a room with them and all would be loved and used.

      Slowly Christmas is arriving here.

      Sarah xxx

  2. Lovely, I will look forward to it x

  3. Gorgeous picture and have a great time at the fairs x
