Thursday 31 August 2017

Wisborough Green Vintage Fair

On a gorgeous hot August day
on a beautiful green in the 
middle of a Wisborough village
were marquee's full of treasure!

Wisborough green fair was absolutely gorgeous, the sun was out and in the middle of a green in the centre of a village with a cricket match being played one side and village pub on the other it had something for everyone.  Ladies husbands had pulled up chairs to watch the cricket and had newspapers with them and the sun shone brightly.

As you walked into the fair with stalls outside as well as in a large marquee you had a wonderful old caravan that has been converted into a gin selling pop up vintage pub with tables and chairs around it ready for later in the day.  There was another marquee for the pop up vintage cafe and this was being run by the talented Hector and Fox with beautiful salads, cakes and drinks for sale.

It was so lovely and warm and so many people that I knew and was able to catch up with, more about that later.

Not in any particular order but this was the first stall that was there as you walked in and it was the lovely and talented Simmone from Ayres and Graces with her beautiful animals both embroidered on to cushions and pictures and also she makes the most incredible life like with a bit of whimsey thrown in ornaments and fabric hares and all sorts of gorgeous!

Just take a look at the stitching mice and the knitting hedgehogs ..... Stunning!

Liz and Jack were here from The Washerwoman fame and selling gorgeous fabrics and linens along with haberdashery and vintage treasures from France.  It was so lovely to see them as we have all been so busy and at different fairs that we have not seen one another for a few weeks or so.  Always set up like the most wonderful vintage shop in the world it was lovely to go truffling around there large stall in the sun.

They also told me they were going to be at The Dorset Brocante on the Bank Holiday Monday!

Little Red Robin were there with the most gorgeous flowers and garden bits including the iron poppy seed ornaments along with the shepherds crooks for lanterns.  We have both in our garden.  All around the borders are the shepherd crooks with lanterns on and fairy lights in them and then we have poppy seed heads in groups as well and it looks really lovely .....

This is a very talented husband and wife team and he is the blacksmith and makes gorgeous ironwork for gardens.  The flowers and arrangements are all the the wife and she is a talented florist to be sure.  Her displays are gasp worthy.  It all looked so gorgeous ...

Velvet Ribbon was there with some gorgeous fabric and vintage goodies including some old French paper documents as well.  There was some beautiful things on offer as always and it was lovely to catch up with each other.  I think it is partly why I take so long to go round what with taking photos, trying to see if there are any treasure that are on my list, or not but are heart needed plus the social aspect of these gorgeous fairs...

Suzi of Hearts N Kisses was there with her beautiful stitchery stall.  I had seen her at The Cotswolds Fair the weekend before but still we had things to tell each other.  She had got there late for setting up because of that terrible accident on the M1... obviously at this point we did not know how bad it was but she did not get there until 9.30am and the doors opened at 10 so it was all rush for her.  Never the less her stall looked beautiful as always.  She had left extra early to be able to set up and then sit outside in the sun with her breakfast and a drink before her busy day started poor thing.

Wild Willow was there in the marquee with some gorgeous flowers that made the air fill with beautiful scents, with the heat of the day but the slightly cooler air in the marquee with the sides open.  Stunning bouquets and displays and all with the heavenly scent of Summer!

Walking around with happy faces everywhere people were so impressed you could tell.  Also with cricket on the men were all happy which left us ladies free to shop.  The day was getting warmer and
the marquee was full of scents of summer.  Lavender filled the air with people selling pillow filled with that and roses.  It really was such a great atmosphere.

To my delight Emma of Little Wren Vintage was there with her beautiful stall with quilts, yes quilts but I was good! and piece of old quilt pieces, fabrics, linens, buttons and French vintage goodies.  Every time you see this lady she is smiling and happy and we were able to have a little natter which was rather good.

Those French shutters in the picture were already sold by the time I got to Emma's stall aren't they gorgeous!  Also she had started picking apart a 1930's Suffolk puff quilt and selling the puffs in bags of so many......

Right next door to her was Lisa of Lisa Giles Antiques also known as Lovely Hudson on Instagram.  Hudson is Lisa,s beautiful dog and as it was a hot day she had left him with her parents, he was not complaining as he is terribly spoilt there and has such things as poached eggs with spinach for breakfast! I know! I want to book in with her parents too, I just need to fashion some ears to be believed!  Anyway there was a wonderful aroma coming from her stall with lavender filled pillows on offer, along with other gorgeous goodies.

In the background with the marquee's sides open for a breeze you could hear the clapping and the crack of leather on willow from the cricket being played with little cheers and and well done and oooh from the spectators outside.  I was getting thirsty and just in time my husband pops up with a cold bottle of water for me as he knew I would not break just yet .. bless him.

Wayward Rose was next with some beautiful vintage goodies to truffle through, everyone there had made such an effort to make their stall inviting and eye catching and so much vintage and antique goodies to choose from it was outstanding.

All Things Vintage and Beautiful were there and that was fabulous as I had not seen
them in ages, it happens being so many vintage fairs around and all over the country.  We live on the  South Coast as you know and travel miles and miles to go to as many as we possibly can.  Some are on the same day so it is about which one to go to.  Anyway it was lovely to say hello and have a little chat, the fair by now, was very busy indeed.  Not so you could not move but never the less people wanted to look at everything so I took some photos and moved along.

Suitably Vintage were there and as always there was some gorgeous haberdashery along with inspiration packs and other gorgeous vintage treasures.  They had been at the Cotswolds fair and were going to be at The Dorset Brocante on the Bank Holiday also.  We had a quick chat and I was able to take some photos with out hands that were everywhere looking through the treasure on offer!

Rosehip was there too and this is who I buy those strips of vintage fabrics from with calligraphy
tags on from.    There are other gorgeous vintage goodies on offer as well and the stall looked beautiful it was fairly difficult to get good photos with so many people but I managed in the end.... Plus buying a few little bits as well..

The Ostrich and the Silkworm was there and of course her beautiful doggie as well. He was a bit hot to sit in his usual metal tub or basket he preferred the coolness of the grass underfoot.  I did fan him with a piece of card and he enjoyed that.  I was able to have a good look around and a little chat and of course take some photos for you all...

Lois Kirsten was there with all her beautiful vintage treasure laid out with such flare, It threw
me a little because she did not have her twig support with little bottles dangling with flowers in on her stall and I did not know it was her to begin with.  We all look for people or know its their stall by the props they all have and when they change it or decide to do something completely different well it is of course exciting but makes us all surprised ..... We were chatting about it and she said it was time for a change and it looked really stunning....

Little Green Door was there with her beautiful stitchery and we had a little chat, what was lovely she told me the last time I saw her earlier this year and put pictures on my blog she got so much new business from it and thanked me.  It was so nice to hear.  It does work with helping each other and so many of you have travelled miles to come to some of these fairs because of reading about them here so advertising and helping one another helps us all.....  There was some beautiful embroidery on offer she is very talented indeed.

Then who should I spy but Maud of Beyond France fame with her gorgeous linens.  There
was so much to look at and we had a little catch up.  She always asked about my Mum and we catch up. You will have to wait and see what we bought from her for our bedroom but we were very happy with our purchase....

This is just a few of the very talented people who were stalling at Wisborough, there was no programme this time so I am unable to name each vendor I am sorry.

It was time to have a little lunch and we went in search of drinks and some of those gorgeous salads that Hector and Fox had on offer either in a wrap or indeed in a box with a slice of Frittata as well.  All the things apart from the lettuce and the feta were grown in there own gardens and it was just what was needed on such a hot day.   The picture on the left is of some of their home grown produce  from their land. My husband did have a slice or two of their cakes later in the day, and said they were scrummy, It was just too hot for me to eat much.  Whilst we were sat there a Stitchworks, her name was Brenda and she and her husband came and shared our table over lunch and we had a lovely chat.  It is great when readers come and say hello and she was very complimentary about my blog.... I am so glad to get feed back.  It was lovely to meet you both Brenda and I hope you enjoyed the Vintage Fair as much as we did....
lady came up to me and asked if I was Sarah from Homespun

Earlier when I was walking around who did I spy but Chris and her husband of Cosy Chris and Cosy Club fame!  It was so lovely to see them.  We decided we needed to keep truffling but to meet up later which we did.  And we all went across the road and had some champagne in the pub garden listening to the cricket still going on.  We celebrated her book that came out earlier this month and had a fabulous hour or so catching up.

It was the perfect ending to a perfect day.  Well I hope that you have enjoyed this little look at the Wisborough fair and I would like to thank Lucy and her team for bringing together yet another fabulous event.  Lucy will be organising Daylesford fair next month and we will be attending there and meeting up with friends again for dinner in the evening.

Well that is it for today I hope you have enjoyed a little peek at this fair and hope that you have a wonderful day whatever you are up to.  Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Lovely to read all about the fair as it was the one I went to last year and the weather was just as warm a year ago. I'm determined to get to a fair ....maybe the Cheese and Grain in Frome, is that a good one?
    It seems to me Sarah that there is always champagne and cake being consumed at these are you really going to them for the vintage finds???? Lol xxx

    1. Ha ha Dawn
      Indeed I am, treasure is my aim and bi products like champagne are a delightful extra!
      The VB is always good, you may like the Christmas one being as it is a favourite season of yours.. will find out date for you.

      Sarah xxxx

  2. Delightful read Sarah. I almost feel as though I were there! I did chuckle at the thought of you 'fashioning ears' to get a poached egg and spinach šŸ˜‚. It does sound as though it was a divine day. Hopefully get to one again soon, but busy time ahead. Take care, Mo xxxx

    1. Hello Mo
      Thank you I am glad you liked the read! Glad I made you smile.
      Hope to see you maybe at Daylesford because it's a corker!
      Take care of you lovely lady. šŸŒŗ

      Sarah xxxx
