Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Button jar rummage!

Buttons and patches and cold
winds blowing the days pass
quickly when I am sewing ...
or with my head in a button jar!

Very early this morning I decided whilst sitting in my cosy chair in my sewing room and sipping my
first coffee this morning (somehow always the best of the day!) that I needed to look for some buttons to stitch onto my cross stitch pictures and they needed to be in a little packet and in the personal work basket so that when I needed them at the end - there they would be.  Well goodness me before I knew it over an hour had gone, I swear if I could have climbed in my huge jar of tiny buttons I would have, It is a relaxing, all consuming but wonderful pass time and the time flies when having that much fun.

Then of course before I know it I am behind my time to start the day but I have to say it was worth it this morning.  I also like to catch up on Instagram as well and oh my I was happy as The Cotswold's Vintage Fair had a post on there with a picture of lots of cottons on reels coming to the fair for purchase and you know they are on my list.... I will be able to while away some time just going through those on Saturday!! This weekend coming just keeps getting better.!!

I thought I would share with you my coffee coaster which is a large wooden button and that my Mother in law bought for me some years ago, if she is reading this I can bet she thinks to herself gosh she still has that, and of course I do Mum.... Its what my coffee goes on everyday... and as you will see from the photo my cup needs a refill because I have spent so much time with my head in
the button jar I have only had one cup this morning and must say I am not really wide awake yet!

As you can see buttons have been very much on my early morning agenda today.

So I have completed that task and now it is very much all on the sewing today.  I would like to cut out some Winter project diamonds and hexagons today sometime but other than that it is a full stitching day which is bliss.  I was toiling with the idea of packing some stitching to take to the Cotswolds but then I thought, no there will be no real time I am sure so just my reading book to lay in the bath for a
while before bed and read ....

I live by my lists because it is easier that way, now I know a list is only as good as what is on it but it
helps me check off things when done and gives me a great sense of achievement when I see a list with lines through it .. I know I am getting somewhere then.  Also my journals as well and I have to take my little sketch journal just because when I get an idea and I am away the times it has been on a piece of scrap paper in the past and it has gotten eaten up by the handbag monster and been
swallowed into the ether .......

This morning there was a funny moment when I saw something from the corner of my eye near the window, now I thought it might be a spider and you know how I am with those! so very carefully I went to investigate then I heard a flutter, now I thought it better not be a muncher because eviction time or worse but it was a gorgeous butterfly who had lost its way.  So there is me balanced on my little stool with a glass and a piece of paper so as not to touch its wings.... I had the fore thought to open the window first and was able to let it out with out much of a to do! but it took longer for my heart to stop pounding over the thought that it could have been an arachnid! eeeeeeek!  Honestly the tales of the stitching room! if it could tell stories ..

Now before I go the competition result.  The names were written on paper and folded and put in a china bowl, vintage of course! and one lucky winner was picked...

THE WINNER IS ................. little pause for effect, drum roll to break the silence .....  

Diana Hunter ..... well done and thank you for entering everyone.  My lovely neighbour helped me pick it, I put all names in a bowl and she put her hand in and picked one out.  She enjoyed doing it which was splendid.

Thank you all for participating and I will be doing another competition very soon.

Diane you need to message me your address. x

Well now it is time for me to get on with my stitching and I hope you have a wonderful day today. Think of me and my slow stitching with one eye out for spiders now!!  See you back here on Thursday..  Also we have decided a change to our holiday plans and are going in October, more about that later in the week .....

Happy Stitching! XX


  1. I hate spiders, but I have found a way to remove them quite easily, otherwise I would be screaming and running all day!

    Julie xxxxxxxx

    1. Personally petrified ! .... I don't want to kill them put I am so scared it's what happen, 😢

      Just a butterfly this time!


  2. I love buttons as well so this was a very enjoyable read. The coaster is gorgeous.
    I am always rescuing tiny creatures as I hate killing anything so even the smallest and ugliest are removed as gently as possible. Spiders have always scared me but I am getting better because my compassion overrides my fear...mostly. I can deal with the slow ones but not the athletic ones that like running and jumping. A bucket and a feather duster usually does the trick. That's enough of that! I'm getting the shivers now.
    You mentioned your Winter project and I also keep getting Wintery thoughts and have bought some American quilts and cinnamon scented candles and sprays. ....the homespun type. Do you know the shop 'Olde Glory'? They used to have a dear little shop in Bath many years ago but now I think it is all online, they have some lovely things.
    Have a sunny happy day of sewing xxx

    1. Hi Dawn

      Yes I know Olde Glory! Have some of the stacking boxes.

      Autumn is in the air I feel and my thoughts are turning to putting away our wooden furniture in the garden. They need sa sand and varnish first because of all the rain lately...
      Can't this weekend as it is the Cotswolds vintage fair!

      My heart has slowed down now but I am afraid I am that scared of the spiders I vacuum them up .. if they are outside I walk away, inside it's my home and the athletic ones .. don't get me started!

      Hope you are well. Hope you have a creative day too.😊

      Sarah xxxx

  3. So excited to have won this. Thank you very much. X
