Monday, 31 October 2016

Happy Halloween ...... and tiny stitches.

Jack O lanterns shinning bright
wishing you a Happy Halloween Night!

It is Halloween again and I am looking forward to seeing the little bumble bee .. if you have not been reading my blog for very long you will not understand so a very quick update.  For three years this
tiny tot has been knocking on my door trick or treating as a bumble bee and the first year she was three.. with her elder sister and her Dad hiding behind our car so she felt grown up.  Well she has grown as you can imagine and outgrown that particular outfit but to me she will always be the little cute as a button bumble!

I have tied sweeties in little orange and white bags with stickers  and tied with black and orange string... a bit of decoration and we are away.  Pumpkins and lights ready but today I will be finishing early so that from 3.30 probably I can welcome the tiny ones who come early and are so excited....

Until then and when I have to get my witches hat on and dress well its business as usual and stitching away ...

I have got out my embroidery and hand stitching and its all in a basket so I am going to sit and stitch all day until 3.  It is a bit chilly for me today so I have chosen some lovely herbal teas and one of them it my favourite which is cinnamon and it is so gorgeous to drink but it is also warming too,  I belong to Happy Mail ( I only write to two people Donna and Bekah) one is in America and the other in Canada but we also swap teas as well so I have a little selection going on.... If you are reading this Donna the one you sent me in my Fall/Halloween mail is going to be tried today ... grin.

Do you remember the photo I took above of the doll sat on a pumpkin .. its from Rosies Armoir and I
actually have this same doll.  I loved this photo and my doll normally comes out for Christmas but not this year ... Have a look at this .. she is out on pumpkins too.  Thank you Helen for the idea...

So she is out a good 7 weeks earlier than usual which is lovely and she looks fabulous sat on a pumpkin too.....

The trick or treat bags are ready and my costume is hung up so all is well.

I am continuing unpicking a Victorian  Suffolk puff quilt today and I am putting them up for sale on Facebook on my page for the love of Vintage so
if you are interested pop over and have a look see ...

I bought it at the West Country Textile Fair and thought that it would be better split up for creating purposes as some of the puffs were very worn ... I am thrilled with the result.  I am selling some and keeping some for my collection to create with.

When unpicked into sections for that purpose you can see how lovely some of them are and the sale
is underway .

If you fancy a look just go to Facebook and search For the Love of Vintage and you can look through the feed at some of the bundles .... If you would like some the instructions are there for you .. but you better be quick they are going quiet quickly ... They are rare and so pretty.  I have not washed it and left it for people to wash or not their own bundle.  I have washed some of mine and it was a great success and I am really happy with it ....

There a reds, pinks, beige and brown, green, cream.  Stripped and patterned and plain the fabrics are gorgeous ...

Anyway that is it for today as it is a short day and there is much unpicking to be done.

Have a lovely and safe Halloween and I will see you back here tomorrow ...

Happy Stitching!