Friday, 23 January 2015

Needle Felting Tutorial Basics 2

Good morning

This is the second part to the needle felting tutorial, the first one went down very well indeed.  Any animal you felt can be made your own with what you choose to add to it.  Mine of course is vintage all the way and slightly whimsical in character.  I brought forward part two as yesterday I had a lot of interest and people wanting to give it a go....  I am in the middle of mine at the moment.

I have been out and about looking for pure wool fabrics to felt, vintage jumpers,scarves and gloves...
Go to your local charity shops and jumble sales and not forgetting any vintage fairs that you can go along to in your own areas....

I am enjoying this as I enjoy natural hand dyeing of vintage linens and embroidery.

Found this little lady on google, I do not know who
she should be accredited to but can you see
what can be done with felting.  It looks to me as if she
is jointed as well.  I call her a lady bear because of
the pink bow......

I hope you have a great day and enjoy the last part of needle felting.....

Happy Felting x

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