Friday, 13 January 2017

Sorting gorgeous antique patchwork pieces ....

*** Quilts are like friends
a great source of comfort.
Antique quilt pieces with
history stitched into each 
piece of fabric.***

Quilt pieces, especially the antique ones that I have bought recently from America have started all sorts of imagination going around in my head.  Not only design work but thoughts of each piece of tiny fabric that has gone into the making, about the history contained in each square and thoughts of who stitched it and when exactly, plus was it a wedding gift for a new bride in her trousseau  out of fabrics from cloth that was cut from things to worn to wear or use.  Was it stitched by one person or, as used to happen a gathering of ladies who would stitch and chat as a gathering weekly to complete
big projects ...

When the lady who I buy from in America gets these quilts they are not, anymore, fit for purpose and she cuts out the squares that can be re purposed and sells them on for others to create with and then the stitching and the love that is contained in these quilts somehow lives on and becomes, once again something loved and cherished.  I love having imagination it comes from always reading as a child I believe.  That without leaving the security and comfort that is home to you as a young child you can sail the seven seas, become a pirate, be part of the famous five and discover and solve mysteries and drink ginger beer and eat ham and eggs at a farmhouse you pass along the way!

I am always on the look out for beautiful and unusual pieces of patchwork quilts and this lady is my first port of call when buying from the Internet.  It is even worth it when paying import duty as well.

Some of them are at the framers at this moment just being framed as is but others I am working on adding stitchery and words to.  I actually can not bear for these delicious patchwork panels to be cut any further so wanted to make sure they will adorn walls behind glass to be a thing of beauty to look at.  As they are being framed they can have vintage  Ephemera incorporated as well in the stitching so I am having some fun planning this.

I thoroughly enjoyed designing on Wednesday and lots of ideas were jotted down for next weeks  design day.  Opening and planning your new design journal and seeing all the fresh new pages blank and ready is something special to me.  Getting my pencils and putty rubber out with some water colour pencils in front of me makes me happy .... it is not like work at all.

Someone once said to me 'Find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life'! - never a truer word has been spoken and I count myself so lucky to do what I love and love what I do and that I have the support of my gorgeous husband who works very hard indeed.

My first week back at work has gone so very quickly and I can not believe it.  I have done some stitching and designing and sorting but next week it will be serious needlework for me. The weather next week is set to be very cold here with some sunny spells so another burrow down week of stitching by the fire.  Would you believe though, even though we have had some very hard frost here that I still have two of my rose bushes budding in the garden!? No I am amazed by it.  My little pink one in the back and the coral coloured in the front ... You have to admire their tenacity, you really do!

Well that is it for today and I will see you back here on Monday, for a while I will not be doing a blog on a Saturday as with my work and my Mum it is very busy so for the Start, at least, of 2017 my blogs will be Mon, Tue, Thur and Friday.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and as always Happy Stitching!XX


  1. Its true 'find a job you love and you will never work a day in your life'! I have lots in mind I want to do, my brain is again working faster than my fingers!

    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. I am glad you have enjoyed the blog and pleased you have been inspired... all the ideas in your head, do you write them down?

      Sarah xxxx

    2. Not really, I am a starter, and sometimes a finisher...... sometimes an unfinished project because it hasn't worked as well as I thought it might.

      Julie xxxxxxx

  2. I love finding pieces of Vintage Quilts. I have a small collection. I always wonder what their story is??Some have worn spots and some have the tiniest hand quilting stitches that simply amaze me. Some I have made into pin cushions and some are hanging in my sewing room. I enjoy your blog very much.

    1. Thank you for your kind words and I am glad you enjoy my ramblings!
      How wonderful to make some into pin cushions have you any photos you would like to share?
      Collecting little bits of history is really addictive but we are at least preserving stitchery for further generations to see.


  3. Sarah, it's very true that reading from an early age helps give you a great imagination and it also gives you empathy. I love making up stories about vintage items as well. Hope to give up my part time work at the library at the end of March so will hopefully have more time for sewing xxx

    1. Hello Dawn
      I am glad I am not on my own and how lovely to be able to stop your PT job and concentrate on creative things. Obviously if you work in a library you love to read so words are an important part of your life too...

      I can not wait to see what you create.

      Take Care
      Sarah xxx
