Tuesday, 24 January 2017

How To Sew Reverse Applique... its like stained glass!

This is like stained glass 
out of fabrics, and can you
imagine all the gorgeous things
that can be stitched with antique
fabric snippets! ....

Having had lots of requests about Reverse Appliqué I found this little tutorial for you all to watch!
It is really good and shows you how to very simply.  It is a little over six minutes long so why not get a warm drink and enjoy!

This could be used  if you were doing a wall hanging and it could be seen both sides and how
beautiful that would be for a Christmas project, almost like stained glass really.  Maybe a gingerbread house for a child to hang at their bedroom window with the  winter sunlight coming it it would look gorgeous.
I know I know its a long way off Christmas but its worth a think about making for a child's gift most little girls I know would love it .... I might make one for here!

The picture I found on google for you to show what other things can be achieved with it THIS IS NOT MY WORK ... and I could not find in my search who stitched this but it is really lovely ....

Enjoy this midweek tutorial and I let me know what you think.  I am getting on with finishing my Christmas/Winter sampler today and then I will be able to show you, yes I have chosen some words eventually!! tomorrow is design day and so I will see you back here on Thursday and another book review as well will be coming up for those of you like me who adore reading books and love stitchery!

Have a great day and of course Happy Stitching! XX

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