Friday, 27 January 2017

Book Review .... Mark- Making in Textile Art by Helen Parrott.

Layers of fabrics
with threads and slow 
stitching! the art of mark making.....

This is a really lovely book it somehow lets you know that fabric art does not have to be a picture but indeed you are encouraged to stitch with free expression and design.  I sat one evening reading this book and turning each page with such pleasure.  Sitting by the fire and reading and looking, when my husband said to me 'you are enjoying that book aren't you'? I looked up and said 'Yes I really am' and he said 'I know because you are smiling whilst reading' .... and there we are that sums it up really it is such an enjoyable read and with art and stitchery on each page ...

As you open the book there is a little introduction and this is a little part of it...

At the very essence, textile art is about mark- making.  As an artist would use a pencil, an embroider or quilter can use stitch to make marks on fabric - a fundamental creative act.  The making of marks often starts and underpins the entire design process, and a textile artwork is usually made up of repeated
stitched marks.

The contents of this book  has about marks, such as working with repeated marks, considering marks working with marks and words.  There is a section with collecting marks and recording them to use in your fabric and stitchery art forms.

It walks you through sketches and threads and fabrics along with equipment and suppliers.

There is also a chapter on making stitch marks and talking hand and machine work.

Choosing your needles and threads and Helen Parrott is passionate about her subject you can tell as you turn each beautiful page.

One of the things that I read that did make me beam a big grin was the section on Threads and Fabrics and being told that is is very useful to have a good stock of fabrics and threads - in a way it was saying to me my 'stash' was a good thing and that choices of these products helped us create when looking through.... well I was thrilled that someone just gave me the green light that my carefully protected hoard was OK and a good thing to have...   Possibly that is when my husband looked up from his book he was reading and saw such a smile on my face ... Helen Parrott had just given us all permission!! AND I LOVED IT!!

I particularly enjoyed the section on working with the same colour thread as the fabric in a
harmonious way and layered stitch marks too.  You can let your imagination or draw what you see in the form of pattern onto fabric and stitch away.  For example marks on fences, walls, tree trunks or even the repeat of part of a flower or plant ... I have had a go at some designs on paper and had a great time designing patterns with words as well ( you know how much I adore words!)

There is a section on inspiration and that the author sketches and paints landscapes or things to keep as a reminder ( lady after my own heart, as you know I love to snap photos and sketch things I see)

Look at what you can create with a running stitch going around in circles .... It is fabulous.

Well I hope you have enjoyed this taster and I do not want to give it all away.  This book is a big hit with me and I am so pleased with my bale of books that I had as one of my Christmas presents from my lovely hubby.... I thoroughly recommend this book for you to put on your wish list or indeed buy as a gift for a stitchery friend.

I can not believe it is already Friday, where has this week disappeared to, well have a wonderful weekend.  Keep warm and dry and I will be back here on Monday with my stitchery ramblings..

Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Hahaha! Sarah how wonderful to be told it is 'essential' to have a good stash of fabrics and threads!!! Music to our ears! This does sound like a really inspirational book and just perfect for you. Mo xxx

    1. Hi Mo!
      Yes it was inspiring! Lol
      It's a great book ..,,
      Hope you are well..
      Sarah xxxx
