Monday, 6 July 2015

My vintage treasures .... bought at The Country Brocante, Petworth.

A home should be the treasure chest of living and
 filled with our memories and treasures!

Sarah Hawkings.....

The above is certainly true of our home, it is filled with happy memories of family and friends good times and sad times and is filled with little vintage treasures that we  have collected over the years. Things that I have made from vintage fabrics, quilts and buttons and with cosy antique quilts, blankets,throws and eiderdowns.  China treasures on my dresser and a stitching room that is ... er ... lets say well stocked! and not forgetting my cushion habit as well ...

And dear readers I am always adding a little of everything to it all, especially my stitching room.  Petworth was really a beautiful event and I did buy a few bits and bobs so as promised this is my show and tell....

As you know I bought a beautiful doll, her name is Willow and she was hand made and designed by the very talented Simone of Ayres and Grace.  She will be placed in pride of place in my stitching room along side the doll I bought from Alison of Betty and Violet and my lovely spool flower that was made by Claire of Daisy Darling...... Others work that is beautiful and an inspiration to me.  Isn't Willow beautiful with her vintage linen book of flowers, laid down with her feet up in the air behind her...... I am thrilled to have a piece of Simone's work and she is just beautiful.  After I had purchased her and later caught up with Simone again, she said people had asked where  Willow was and were told she had been sold ... so you see as I always say if you see something you love do not wait as it may not be there later in the day!

The next items in my show and tell are the treasures I purchased from Liz of  The Washerwoman fame and ooh!  I bought this beautiful tiny little red and white sampler and it really is very old and beautiful, I will have it framed and it will take pride of place with my others.  In addition to that I  bought a huge piece of paisley that started life as a bed cover of some sorts.  To say I was thrilled is a slight understatement.  When I have used what I need and also kept some for my personal use I will put some pieces in Inspiration packs for this October at The Vintage Bazaar in Frome that I have a stall at and then others can have a chance to purchase some of this exquisite vintage fabric.  My last purchase from Liz is a piece of Victorian quilt with Queen Victoria panels on it with a date from 1857.... This is a very rare and beautiful piece and NOT for me.  I have a very great friend who is indeed mad about Queen Victoria and this piece of quilt will be framed and given to her for her Birthday in December ...... it is beautiful isn't it?

From the very talented Suzanne of Hearts 'n Kisses fame I bought a vintage mill spool that she had
made into a flower and this will go with my other pieces made by others.  If you have never come across this lady you must look her up on her facebook page.  She makes some really beautiful pieces. It was lovely to see her as well ..... I do have a tea cosy on my dresser she made and a crochet bag as well ...... all bought at other times and places.

As I mentioned to you yesterday I bought three pieces of early 19th Century log cabin panels from Susie Petrall and I am going to take them to my very clever framer and have them all together in a
picture. I am not adding anything to them but leaving them as is but may mount them first on a piece of very old French linen and just embroider something like 19th Century log cabin panels .... we will see about that when I get round to it, which will probably be in a week or so.

The Old Habersdashery always has tempting things on offer and I did not get any more of the linen
threads but instead picked up three packs of vintage buttons one is mother of pearl, one glass and the other some pretty vintage pink and lemon buttons along with three antique French postcards that I have something in mind for..... watch this space!!

From Emma of Little Wren Vintage that always has tempting things to buy I bought a Birthday card (for the friend  I bought the quilt for) and a little vintage bottle full of mother of pearl buttons .... oh should I use them or just keep for display purposes, you see I just could not resist them at all...  Emma is making me some cushions as well ( well a girl just can not get enough of them to change colours around in the rooms!)

I also bought some little antique tins from a beautiful stall .... I could not get in close enough with people to take photos ( which is such a shame) but the stall holders are there to sell so I never
disturb them when they are that busy and to top it all there is no card in my bag from that stall and they normally always do that SO I can not name them for you!! how annoying and I am so sorry....

And last but in no way least I bought some beautiful fabric bundles, two vintage hand painted bowls for my poor heaving dresser and a bundle of mill spools that I am fond of for things I make ( Suzanne of hearts'n kisses made the flower from one as above)  You can make so much with them and I love
them....  These were all from Lisa Giles Antiques ( this lady was at Sarah Moore's pop up summer event as well) so it was lovely to see her again and catch up .....

So that is it Ladies and Gents the above are  my new vintage treasures and again I had such a wonderful time at this Vintage fair.....

I got up extra early today so that I could have a full day in the garden stitching .... and it is raining!!! sulk! still it will do the gardens some good and not so much watering for me later I guess.

Have a wonderful day and as always Happy Stitching!

List of exhibitors at The Country Brocante, Petworth Park ( as listed in the guide)

The French Loft, Country Homes & Interiors, Garden House Antiques, Caroline Zoob, Chloe Antiques, Belle Epoque, The Old Haberdashery, Ryland Peters and Small, Goose Vintage Home, Silken Tent, Jackson and Sack, The Vintage Blanket Company, Will and Bea, Maison 1880, Rosbud and Violet, Tallulah Fox, Beyond France, Antiquated, Emily Loves Vintage, Hesta Nesta, Little Wren Vintage, Hellish Designs.

Its A One Off, La Camionnette Bleue ( also known as the washerwoman) Dorothy Stiven, Betty and Violet, All Things Vintage and Beautiful, pagoda Antiques, Lois pinnock, Belle and Bow, Linda Cropper, Gabrielle Izen Designs, The Bottom Stable, Dotty Blue Dresses, Love Produce Candles, Home to Roost, Angel Workshop, Parna, Weathered and Worn, Sugar and Spice, Winchester Soap Co, Cherub Antiques, Ayres & Grace, Hearts 'n Kisses, Dotty Designs, Suitably Vintage, Snow Jewels, Gil Fox Hats, Abby Cook Illustration, Homespun Home, Ethical Life Store.

Caroline Bloomfield Antiques, Tatty and Torn, Dales Country Interiors Tinworth, My Vintage Garden, Dryfill Farm Collectables, Gazehound Vintage, Rustic Garden Things, Lisa Giles Antiques, Posh Jumble, Here Now Then Preserved Antiques and The Country Cafe......

TA DAH!........


  1. Lovely write-up as always. You certainly found some wonderful treasures! xx

  2. Thank you!... yes I did and I am very happy with them indeed.xx

  3. Such lovely treasures. I miss Vintaging , you found some real treats! xx

    1. Thank you Jane ... Miss seeing you at the events! Hurry back x
