Monday, 18 August 2014

The Cotswold vintage fair.

Good morning all or should I say afternoon!  I am late today.

I went to the Cotswold vintage fair on Saturday and it was amazing.  The organisers had gone to an awful lot of trouble and the event its self was stunning and well organised.

The village hall was in a beautiful setting surrounded by fields.  There were stalls inside and out and although the sky looked a little menacing, the rain did not come at all.

The hall was packed with beautiful stalls.  There was a lovely little cafe inside selling drinks and cakes and light lunches and snacks.  There were tables and chairs outside to sit and also there was a huge marquee with wonderful stalls inside and down the middle lots of chairs and tables to sit and have a drink and something to eat, whilst looking at all the stalls that surrounded you!

There was ample parking and the vintage fair was packed with eager and willing buyers.

I was able to go to some of my favourite suppliers and pick up the most delicious fabrics.  Lots of beautiful vintage eiderdown fabrics.....

This was the marquee outside with wonderful stalls all inside and tables.  There was a lady selling vintage quilts and I brought one home with me..... Photos tomorrow.

There were other gazebos outside filled with wonderful goodies including the lovely Liz who had some wonderful fabrics for me.

Then there was the lovely Hesta Nesta and again I was able to get some wonderful fabrics from her amazing stall.  I am kind of known now and people do know my taste in fabrics for my work and designs....

There were lots of wonderful stalls with all sorts to tempt you with.  Fabrics, vintage china and glass, buttons, fabrics and.....

Vintage blanket stall.

There were some extremely talented people there and one stall was called Gentlework and the lady who made all the stunning things on that table was very talented.... Stunning stunning work.  You can find her on facebook.
She made her own dolls from papermache and then made outfits for them from vintage fabrics.  Stunning brooches and birds just to name but a few things.

The lady who owns The Sea Garden was there as well and I bought an inspiration pack from here of stunning cream laces and fabrics and old buttons.

The day was wonderful and to have that much talent under one roof was fantastic.  

It was a great few hours for me and my next one is at Bath at the American quilt museum next weekend.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and have a great day today.

Happy Stitching!


  1. How lovely that Christine (The Sea Garden) and Jo (Hesta Nesta) were there. I do wish I'd been able to go but sadly I couldn't. However, shall see you at the American Museum all being well. Not stalling. Visiting :) xx

  2. Wonderful, look forwards to seeing you in Bath..... xx

  3. What a wonderful day you had - I wish I could have come!
    Thank you so much Sarah for the beautiful threads that I won in your giveaway! Such exquisite colours!!
    I'm going to remove the fabulous stitched heart from my card and wear it as a brooch!

  4. Hi Gill

    I am so very pleased you like your prize. Enjoy stitching with the threads.

    I am off to Bath this weekend to another vintage fair so you will be able to read about that.

    Wonderful idea with the heart... Enjoy xx

  5. What a lovely fair ... wish I could have been there. I love Christine's 'Sea Garden' stall and always end up buying something from her, whenever I see her.

  6. I bought an inspiration pack from Christine "sea garden"....too good to pass up

  7. Thank you for the lovely mention, only just catching up with blogs! Have fun in Bath, I am sure it will be fab. Lizzie x
