Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Making a vintage ring.

Hello all

If you would like to make a vintage type ring then there are two simple ways.  But first you need to buy some rings with the flat tops to attached your desired design to.  You can buy these at good haberdasheries and of course there is Ebay as well or  on line general.

You do need a glue gun so that the design of the ring stays in place......

Firstly you could simply buy a beautiful vintage button and glue gun it in place and that is very simple and affective, I have one.  I adore mother of pearl carved buttons and when you get one that is exquisite then what better way to keep it and wear it on your hand.  You can also buy hand painted vintage mother of pearl buttons....

Secondly you could stitch something to glue to the top.  A small embroidered piece of linen is a perfect and different ring to have.  You could do lots of French knots in different colours on round bit of linen and then stitch it around and stuff it and attach that...... Anything that you like really.

They make great little gifts to other vintage lovers or a great thing for yourself.

Have a go and Happy Stitching!

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