Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Making a vintage linen embroidered brooch.

Whilst busy with all the projects that I have to finish for publication or the Pretty Nostalgic banner and of course getting my inspiration packs ready, I thought I would talk about making yourself a vintage linen brooch ( for yourself or for a gift)

If you have some vintage linen it is a great base.  Cut the shape you would like (square or maybe a heart and cut two pieces) and stitch a little design on there..... maybe basket of flowers or a garden of flowers with a little grass in between with long and short stitches.  You could of course stitch on tiny vintage buttons in a pattern or even applique a design onto it.

There is also the option to cut your chosen shape from a piece of already embroidered vintage linen as well and add some embellishment as well.

When done on the back of the second piece of linen stitch on a brooch clasp ( you can buy in any good haberdashery store) .....

Then all you have to to stitch both bits together right sides out and stitch round leaving a little opening so that you can stuff it and then hand stitch up the opening.

You can bits of lace, buttons or anything you like at all.

This is not one I stitched and do not know who did I am afraid but it shows you what can be done.
Also you could make ones from bits of vintage quilts as well so they would not really need stuffing to make them sit proud..... this one has been blanket stitched around it..... if you stitch around on sewing machine on rights sides you could fray the edge as a different finish or you could stitch right sides together and then turn it inside out and stuff and stitch.....

Anyway give it a go and Happy Stitching!

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