Thursday, 9 March 2017

Treasures at The Vintage Bazaar!

For the magpie in all us
vintagers .. well this was
treasure island  !!

As I said in my last blog on Tuesday I really did not buy that much this time because basically I was so caught up in talking, catching up with old friends and new and of course taking photos.  I could not seem to multi task very well at the weekend but that said I did get some really lovely things so
here goes.

I bought this most beautiful hand beaded and hand embroidered evening purser from Anne- Marie of Sky Blue.  It was made in Belgium and inside is perfect for its age with very little wear and very clean indeed.  I did try and photograph it for you ( the inside I mean) but it just would not come out properly in the light that was there yesterday ...

You can see though from the photos of the outside of the bag how stunning it is in every way.  As I am going to the ballet at the end of this month I thought it would be a gorgeous little bag to take on this special occasion and then it can hang on my wardrobe door and just be looked at ....

my next purchase was from Isobel and as I told you she has some gorgeous stitchery things on offer.  So much to choose from and she had some oh so lovely mother of pearl buttons so that was it, the magpie in me saw them glistening in the sun and they caught my eye!  Along with some scraps of vintage fabrics, linen buttons in beautiful condition and clean and some milliners flowers which are just beautiful to stitch onto a sampler being as they are so tiny.... mixed with embroidery it brings such dimensions to a a piece.

Also what caught my eye was the most beautiful little fabric and lace mat for a table.  It had to come home with me because it was vintage paisley fabric and cream crochet edging and I just could not leave it there ... I have never seen one like this before ever.  Isobel always has some really lovely treasures and I was so pleased with this...

Suitably vintage has some great pieces of fabrics and as I took photos for you all I found myself picking up bits of fabrics, four all in all.  Then I saw some old 1951 stamps and thought that they would be great for mixed media projects that will be stitched this year by me... they are really lovely. I decided on two packs as you can see from the photo and I think there were only two actually.  Then there were some little signs.  Blocks of wood which were hand painted with words on and although not strictly antiques I wanted these two for staging purposes and thought they were lovely colours so two of them came home with me.  There was one that read Vintage but I have the old print blocks that say that if you remember so I just bought the two. 

One reads Brocante and is in a beautiful pink colour and the other reads Antiques and is in a sort of duck egg colour and I think with add something to photographs of the future.

They are only small but perfect to add to a display when not being used as a prop.  I am very pleased with them indeed.

From Donna Flower I bought a very old painted spool and there is a good length of fabric ribbon
wound onto it ... It looked so lovely and even if I use the fabric ribbon I can always make more from some gorgeous fabric I have here and wrap it around the spool or indeed make something with the spool but I thing this is a keeper for fabric ribbon or bias binding, which I am really fond of making right now and I have a tiny little iron on a stick that I had as a Christmas present and it is perfect for pressing tiny bits of fabric with its very pointed edge at the top.....

Sue of Vintage to Victorian has some gorgeous little hexagon patchwork pieces in packs and I bought two that I could not resist.  One being black and embroidered as you can see and so unusual.  I really have no idea right now what I will stitch these on to but you can rest assured it will be something and they will not stay in the box for too long I can tell you.  I really did not do her stall any justice what so ever but I will see her in April at the West Country Fabric and Textile weekend so being as she really is not doing much at all this year in way of vintage fairs I will be having a very good look and will have finished sorting my sewing room ( she says with some force) and then I can right a list and take my time looking.  Watch out Sue I will be bringing a huge bag to carry it all in!

My final purchase of the day was at The Beehive as I told you on my blog on Tuesday where I
purchased this beauty for my kitchen.  I have weights so its all good but not only was it the colour ( I would say its 1950's) but also I have never seen a set of scales with the round top in such good condition before, I fell in love with it so it got wrapped up and taken home with me.

They were £25 and I just could not leave them at the shop.  They are enamel and it has not been repainted at all and because it is not chipped on the round cream dish part they are still food worthy and will be used all the time!

Well that is the show and tell from the weekend and the next fair that I am going to is the VB in Frome in April and then the very following weekend I will be going to The West Country Fabric and Textile Weekend.  Although there is a possibility I may get to the the Selvedge Fair in Bath on the 25th March .... All the details of this one are in the vintage fair blog I did at the end of February.

Have a wonderful day and I will see you back here tomorrow.  Happy Stitching! XX


  1. I love those scales, they are gorgeous. I have a green hand mincer from the fifties in my kitchen that once belonged to my mum still in working order.

    Julie xxxx

    1. They are gorgeous scales aren't they Julie!
      How lovely to have the green mincer from your mum! I remember my Mumsparents having some that screwed to a table in green!
      I wonder where they ended up! ....

      Sarah xxxxx
