Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Truffled Treasures! ...

Treasure Hunting in a beautiful
Sussex village in the sun..
does it get much better than that!?

So what did I purchase at The Love Lane Vintage Fair in Midhurst last Saturday ... There was so
much to choose from I can tell you.  Lucy in her Country Brocante Store has always got other peoples vintage goodies in stock they have their own little sections in there and this is where I started to begin with.  I new that Velvet Ribbon was there and so I love her inspiration packs of fabrics and lace so I went in to have a little look see.

I was not disappointed and bought some lovely things included was a pack of lace and trimmings, a large piece of very old patchwork in gorgeous blues and two wonderful vintage ribbons all tied up in old paper ..... I was so pleased with the start of my treasure hunt.

As you can see it was all truly beautiful and I am going to have such fun with designing something to
make from all these scrumptious vintage treasures...

From Emma of Little Wren Vintage well I bought two things, firstly I purchased this darling old clock face that is so pretty.  It is not terribly old being a 1960's one I believe from the markings on the back but when I saw it a design just popped into my head so I was really pleased and kept held of that whilst looking around.

There I saw it like a divine light a basket, well it was not just an ordinary basket but this one was paisley fabric lined, I ask you!  My heart skipped a beat as I went towards it and I truly think if someone else's hand had got there before me I may have cried!  ..

I went up to Emma with it and she smiled and said that she knew that had my name on it .... how right
she was.  I could not be happier with my new and beautiful addition to my design basket family.  As you know I put all that is needed for a new design to make in a basket so that everything is together and then I can pick up and put down but always have everything I need to complete a project always at hand ... this must be the Queen of all baskets surely!

From Nicholas and Steele I found something I had been looking for, for a while now.  Two antique letters that have been folded to make the envelope as well.  Two beautiful colours a cream and a pale blue.  I have had a design and frames waiting for a good 14 months now and I wanted something that had things on the front and back because of the nature of this old glass frame.   On the front with the address I can pop on my design but on the back the original letter is on view as well ... these two were perfect.  Shown here is the front of the cream one and the back of the pale blue one...
Over the moon!

Also this is where I bumped into Chris of the Cosy Club fame and wouldn't you just know it we were
around things for the garden that had fairy sayings and notions on them.  There were pots, galvanised buckets, watering cans and terracotta pots that that had been properly painted with outside paint and treated and I am not going to tell you what she bought as its not my tell but I bought this dear little terracotta pot and I am going to plant something delicate in there ..... What do you think!?

Simone ofs Ayres and Grace is such a talented maker and her love of animals shines through in her work and she has a strong understanding of the way they look and adding her whimsy to the design and making just makes her beautiful hand made items that much more desirable.  It takes her days for each one sometimes and you can see that in their quality.  As you know I have a sleeping hare that sits on my bed she made and one of her little cushions with hand embroidery and a saying on it that Mrs Hare leans on... well there was this little lady and she is tiny  around 4 inches in height and she needed to come home with me to sit on my bedside table .... Isn't she adorable.  Made from clay and hand painted and a dress made from some vintage quilt with a little heart detail and a vintage bell around her neck ... it was love.

Suitably Vintage always have great haberdashery on their stall it is a given.  I often find a beautiful piece or two of vintage paisley or eiderdown fabric.  Today was no exception with a beautiful piece of vintage paisley fabric and the old light green vintage ribbon at £1 a metre and some wooden mill spools and with green paint just surviving on them it was a fantastic vintage treasure haul!  They were telling me that they have a Hare that visits their garden and showing me some photos on their phone... how precious is that.  I love my Squirrel, Birds and Mrs Muddy beak but golly gee would I be made up if a Hare visited.  Its my dream when we move from by the see to the country side ......

Isn't that fabric beautiful, I have some of this all ready but I am never going to pass up more of this lovely!

This was my treasure from Saturday and I hope you have enjoyed a look at my vintage haul.  I have some more gorgeous things to design and make with so I am very happy indeed.  

Have a wonderful day whatever you are up to and as always Happy Stitching! XX

I KNOW!!!!!! .... Grin.


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous buys

    Julie xxxxxx

    1. Thank you Julie! ... very happy with them.

      Sarah xxxxxxxx

  2. What a grand old time you've had Sarah - so many gorgeous things. It's like being six again isn't it! Did you keep looking through all the things you bought on the drive home? I admit, that's what I do, it is simply so exciting to buy such things! Mo xx

  3. It was a wonderful day Mo. The atmosphere and the weather. I had a day away from it all as well. Yes I tend to review purchases along the way! Lol

    Roll on the next one! ...
    Sarah xxxx

  4. What a stunning event, so sad to have missed this one! See you Monday xx

    1. It was really good... see you Monday!
      Should be great. Fingers crossed for fab weather!

      Sarah xxx
