Friday, 14 April 2017

Happy Vintage Easter!

Easter spells out beauty
The rare beauty of new life

S D Gordon

Where is this year going?  Easter already, I am hoping to get out and about this long weekend and also to be able to catch up on some stitching.

I would like to thank all of you for your kind wishes over my Mum and your continuing support of me and this blog.

I hope very soon some normality will be back in my life and the four day a week blog can continue once more.  Thank you all for your kindness and patience.

Hoping for great weather and a really long walk somewhere to blow away the cobwebs.  Whatever you are doing have a wonderful Easter and enjoy the long weekend.

Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Have a good Easter, and I send you hugs

    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. So good to hear from you Sarah. Thinking of you and hoping you have a truly lovely weekend. Take care, love Mo xxx

    1. Thank you Mo, I will be returning back here in a week, I have got to start my life again. My Mum could be like this and worse for 10 years. I have been talking to nurses and Doctor who said I am not her carer and my sister as well so we have to balance how long we are with her from now on.

      It has been difficult but I am starting to get sorted so back very soon.

      Hope you are well....
      Sarah xxxx

  3. I hope you've managed to get that time to yourself that you needed and that the Easter Bunny stopped off at yours too! Lx

    1. Hope you all had a great few days Laura. Will phone and catch up soon ..
      Sarah xx
