Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Love Lane Vintage Spring Fair!

All the fun of the vintage fair.

It was so lovely to be out at the weekend and such a gorgeous day weather wise.  Midhurst in West Sussex was alive and jumping.  Lucy the organiser of these fabulous events had really thought about this.  Not only with her shop full of gorgeous vintage goodies from different traders (The Country Brocante Store) there was a square by the Church full of gazebos with wonderful things to tempt all but she had secured a pop up shop and a dear little building that does not get used very much as well.  It was like being on a proper treasure hunt going from here to there.... So much fun and laughter and the sun was out too!

We left home and got there early so that we could have breakfast on site.  There was a great little cafe/deli just across from the square by the Church and we went in there for a warm drink and some breakfast.  We chose scrambled egg on toast with some bacon ... it had to be done with a fresh orange juice too.....   This is a great little cafe called Comestibles with fabulous Deli inside as well and at this point in the day we did not know we were going to be back here for a late lunch with such lovely friends!

With such a treasure hunt install I did not know where to start first but I thought I would go into the shop and say hello.  (pictures above) and it was packed with all like minded vintagers all truffling around ....
The Country Brocante Store was filled to the rafters with such gorgeous things to tempt all.  Just at the side of this gorgeous shop they had the coffee man who attends all of the Love Lane Vintage fairs throughout the year.  Cupsmith and the coffee is really really good.  He also does tea as well and you can buy his coffee beans and teas on line if you like them ....

Lucy was walking around giving out leaflets and making sure everything was going smoothly and I then wandered down to the Square to see who was there first. It looked so pretty with bunting and gazebos up.  Dogs were with their owners wandering around and it was free entry for all as it was not
at a big venue like Cowdray or Petworth ..... It was a great idea because lots of people did not know what shops were this part of Midhurst and it really surprised lots of locals, who now, will go back around this part and it highlighted little businesses ..... It was a great idea on Lucy's part.

In no particular order I went wandering around and who did I spot straight away but Emma of Little Wren Vintage ... Oh Emma had some gorgeous things for sale and of course I did not leave empty handed.  We had a catch up as well and I really had a good truffle about.  Look at all these treasures!  Have you spotted it?  well of course it came home with me! ... photographs later in the week.

Maud was there from Beyond France this lovely lady always has a smile on her face and we chatted and I took photos of her gorgeous linens.  I bought two table clothes from her earlier this     year at The Vintage Bazaar so I was in no need of anymore but boy was I tempted!

When I move after settling my Mum now I will be going to Maud with a shopping list ....

On wards I went leaving some purchases with Emma who kindly said I will keep this here for you, I found  Nicholas and Steele's stall and it was jammed packed with so much vintage loveliness and people all looking about.  Who did I happily bump into but Chris and her lovely husband Neil .. This is Chris of Cosy Club fame.  Happy days! and we were having a chat and cooing over some wonderful garden bits and then we decided to meet up for a warm drink and a little lunch. Which is what we did and had a blissful hour or so catching up over the best jacket potatoes that we had tasted with cream cheese and avocado .... Several pots of tea later! Well you get the general idea.
We both bought some bits from this gorgeous stall and went on our merry way until later on.

Lisa Giles Antiques ( Lovely Hudson) was there too and with some really lovely furniture and decorative home bits ... She is looking to move as well so we caught up a little but by now it had got very busy indeed so I was able to take a few photos for you to drool over and then I moved on.

Right next door to Lisa was Lois Kirsten and I have to say the way she was set up with the
Church as her backdrop was stunning it really had a wow factor.  It was an eclectic mixture of vintage goodies and she had made a wood hanging display with little vintage glass pots with tiny violas planted in them.  There were old clock faces, plants, bottles, empherma and so much more it looked so inviting and no wonder there were so many people buzzing around .... It was lovely to say hello and I snapped away taking some lovely shots ....

Lois had the church as the back drop to her gorgeous stall and I just wanted to show you how beautiful it looked with the old stone wall behind her as well.

Little flowers in tiny glass pots tied up and so still in the beautiful sunshine of the day .....

Then I came across Etoile and what a fabulous array of vintage goodies there were.  All beautifully
displayed and my heart went out to several things one being the blue painted side board but I just did not buy more furniture for a house we do not have yet ... it was hard to do but I managed it.  Also the wooden rabbit caught my eye but again I was really on a fabric mission and I only deviated slightly and of cause later in the week you will see why, plus they were small things ...

Just look at those greyhounds too!......

Next was Rosemary and Fern and I had never seen this lady before such beautiful vintage things on offer .  There were some dear little rabbits that you could hang over pots in the garden, ballet shoes ( which I would love some of but would like red!) glass objects and such a gorgeous and different array of goodies .... I introduced myself and asked if I might take photos for here and happily she agreed.  If people do not know you they really do not like photos just being taken, especially if they are makers, which is understandable.

Rosebud and Violet were my next port of call and as always when I have seen this stall it is filled with such wonderful treasure it makes your heart skip a beat!  Saturday was no exception to the rule with gorgeous vintage goodies everywhere.

As you can see there were gorgeous cushions and home wares along with garden bits too.  Old linens and china ... such a delight.

I then moved on and found Suzy of Hearts 'n' Kisses and her stall with all her hand stitched and designs that she produces.  There were hanging hearts, pictures, wall hangings, vintage stepping stools,

Suzy designs and hand embroiders all her own work and she is very popular at all the shows that she attends.  It was so lovely to be able to catch up with her as we have not seen each other since before Christmas ... She had lots of people there buying and her stall looked gorgeous.

Happy Days I found Simone of Aryes and Graces now this lady has talent like you would
not believe, I bought a sleeping hare from her last year that graces my bed always.  She makes animals and one of her latest is a Hedgehog ... she has and eye for detail and the whimsical... I had to pick up another little something to take home with me but I do have my eye on a hedgehog.  We love these animals in our house plus my Mums knick name has always been Mrs Tiggywinkle from Beatrix Potter.  My mum loved ironing and cake and she so reminded us of

this character, in fact she has her own mug at our house with Mrs Tiggy on it.   Have a good look at this ladies talent ... Can you see the hedgehog? so adorable knitting away.  I need to talk to Simone about an ironing one for my Mum.

.We caught up and had a lovely chat, I chatted my away around this fair as I have been so absent of late so it was great to catch up with friends ..

Next to Simone was Hellish Designs with all her lovely lampshades plus other household
vintage items... The corner that is was in was so cosy as her lights were all lit up too.

With all the walking about I would have been tempted to sit and people watch there if there had been a chair.  The fair was so busy and lots of laughter and chatter.   I have some of this ladies lampshades that I bought a few years ago but I want to get two more for our bedside lights in red for the winter months to change them over ... pure decadence but hey I love to change the rooms about with different quilts, eiderdowns and lights to make a different and interesting change to the home.

Suitably Vintage were there with there gorgeous fabrics, buttons, ribbons and haberdashery along with a beautiful bird cage but that had been sold by the time I got there... there were mill spools and all sorts of gorgeous things on offer... yes I bought a few bits! who wouldn't it was gorgeous and so tempting.

The Little Green Door were there and I had not seen them before not only was there some absolutely gorgeous vintage pieces but this lady does hand embroidery too.  There were handmade soaps, vintage books, glass bottles and china to name but a few bits ... It was a feast for the eyes a wonderfully talented lady with her embroidery .  It was a pleasure to look and take it all in and a pleasure too to photograph as well.

Rosebud Decorative were the other side of Hellish designs and although by the time I got there she had sold lots there was still some gorgeous treasures to be had.  It all looked so pretty and inviting.There was a gorgeous little drawer unit, ceramics and linens along with a basket of hand made cushions and a great wire garden display for potted plants ... if we had moved or had a date that would have come home with me for sure!

Cachepot was next to little green door and had the most wonderful display of eclectic wares it
was outstanding, every time you looked around this beautifully set up stall your eye caught something else you had not seen and again taking photos was a real joy. Again I fell in love with the red and white jug and bowl but I felt we have no room for it right now but I am kind of kicking myself about it as I should have just popped it away for eventual move ... I did not stick to my rule, when you see if it, if you love it and have the cash .. get it! ah well.

Well it was time to say goodbye to the fair and head off to the farm shop that was on the outskirts of Midhurst and then slowly meander home and have dinner.  It was a great day out and I felt so tired because I was so relaxed for a day... I had missed it and I am so glad to be back.  Lets hope today there is no drama and I can at last pick up my needle and thread because my days have not been complete with out it.  I hope you have enjoyed a little peek around this outstanding vintage fair and I would like to say a huge Thank You to Lucy Hayward for organising yet another gorgeous Love Lane Vintage Fair ..... It must take a huge amount of work even if it is made to look easy and I can probably speak for all who attended it was fantastic!

Have a wonderful day and with a fair bit of luck I will be back here on Thursday with where I went on Sunday ......

Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Goodness, I'm exhausted! What a wonderful fair that sounds like. Definitely on my list!! I love suzy's stuff - I follow her on IG and am quite in awe of her creativity. Happy stitching! Mo xx

    1. Hi Mo!
      It's a great Fair and there are around 4 a year! Next one I believe is June! .
      Yes Suzy is very talented.. there is an innocence in her work ..

      I have one of her pictures and I love it ....

      Have a great day ... Happy Stitching
      Sarah xxxx
