Monday, 11 January 2016

January and it is hi ho its off to work I go!

January brings the snow
Makes our feet and fingers glow!

Happy 2016 and I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New year.  The house is back to its former self but looks quite dull after all the lights.  However I always have fairy lights on the stairs and on the mantel pieces so there is some magic still left in this dear house.  I have said a sad farewell for another 2 years to our lovely friend Jo and it is time to knuckle back down to work.  I will miss her so much.  We laugh so much and it has helped me feel a bit better. 

I have deadlines to fore fill and I am bursting to get going on some new designs from my designing days from last year when resting.  I am much much better but still have a lingering cough would you believe!, I believe it is this very wet winter we are having and it not being cold enough to kill all the bugs off but it is still chilly so I am looking forward to these cold days sat by the open fire stitching in my favourite arm chair.

One of my New Years resolutions to myself was to do more writing with ink pen and paper and I have decided to keep a written journal this year for myself.  So at the end of every day I will put down thoughts, achievements, activities and whatever I feel I would like to look back on, good or bad.  I am also sorting my working diary out with commitments, vintage fairs and things that I must do.

I am starting to collate when the Vintage fairs are for you this year so I will be bloging about that in the next week or so.  I have some dates for the Vintage Bazaar already and by the time they all start we will be stir crazy to get there with looks of desperation  being cooped up for the Winter.

Today I am going to decide which project to start from my design book and get the materials ready and some cutting out will have to be done.  I can not wait to take those first little hand stitches as I am bursting with creativity....

I had some beautiful bits for Christmas and I will be doing a little show and tell of some books with a review.  

So my lovely readers here it is .... ready steady go!

Have a great day and Happy Stitching!

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