Monday, 18 January 2016


A little bit of magic and inspiration makes life sparkle!

Last week I did a book review for the book The Magpie and the Wardrobe ... and I told you about how wonderful this book is.

Well here is give away Monday.

All you have to do is put your name on here if you are a MEMBER of this blog (not in a circle but an actual member) and you will be put into the draw.  You have one week to write a comment on here why you would like to win and your name ... it is simple.

This is a wonderful book and a great prize.  You can do as I am doing and read each month as it happens.... Catch up on December and January, OR make a warm drink and curl in a chair and devour each page and keep going until you are all read out!!

I will be running this on my face book page too but they will either have to be MEMBERS of my blog or actually join to do so.

If you are reading this and are one of my members then what are you waiting for ... leave your name and make your comment  at the bottom of this blog.  Good Luck.

Happy Stitching!


  1. Do you mean a follower? Because I would love to enter the give-a-way. This is my sort of book. I have another sort of book I have had for years called A calendar of feasts Cattern Cakes & Lace.
    Julie xxxxx


  2. Hi Julie
    Yes a follower...
    Not heard of that book I will have to try and find one to look at.

    Sarah x

  3. Hello Julia, how very tempting and how cheerful for a damp Monday morning. I would love this book as I'm just starting as an Independent Celebrant and I'm learning how to include a little bit of magic in all my ceremonies. Jane xx

  4. This book would brighten up my January .....definitely my style of reading. A wonderful give-away :D

    1. Sorry you have to be a registered follower on this blog to be in with a chance .... Thank you

  5. Have been lusting over this book. It is already on my Wish List. Keeping everything crossed that I could be the lucky winner. X

    1. Hi .. You have to be a follower of the blog to be in with a chance ... Thanks

  6. It looks and from your review, sounds, like a lovely book. Please count me in.
    M x

  7. Hi Sarah this book looks lovely. Please count me in x
