Tuesday, 2 December 2014

My wonderful vintage fabric has arrived from America!!!! ... Oooh take a peek.

Morning dear readers!

It has arrived!  The postman came yesterday lunch time and I signed on the dotted line.

If you are a regular reader to my little blog then you will know that I am working on a mermaid design and I have been gathering what I need for a couple of months now.  When you work in vintage you can not just go to the shop and get a yard of this or that or 6 of those buttons, it is a waiting game.

I like to design and then hunt and gather just the right materials for whatever I am making.   I know it probably takes longer but I like it all to be as I have envisaged in my minds eye.

I want some paisley for the Mermaids tail and I was browsing on Ebay and there it was!  so excited was I, as I have wandered vintage fairs too and could not quite find what I would like.

This is how it came when I opened the padded envelope.  The lovely lady
that I had purchased it from had put some other vintage fabric around
it as a gift and tied it with ribbon! .. it was like Christmas.

Here it is in its glory, I think it is so beautiful and 
exactly what I had imagined!

A close up of the fabric for you to
look at it is stunning I think.

The fabric in question is a 1935/40 rare paisley and I am so thrilled with this, I do believe my mermaids tail will be exquisite!!

I will be cutting out the tail this week to pop into the mood basket for the mermaid picture.

Have a great day and Happy Stitching!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sarah,
    I agree the fabric is just gorgeous....can't wait to see the finished product!
    Diane x
