Thursday, 4 December 2014

Mood boards .... The Homespun way!

Embroidery is a very personal art, its charm lies in the individuality expressed by the worker.
W. G. Paulson Townsend 1899

Gathering fabrics and notions for projects has become addictive.  It is almost like doing a mood board in a basket..... You gather and pop things together, compare colours, textures and then add threads and cottons.  Add little things for ideas as well.

In addition to that it is very therapeutic, adding and taking away, placing it all together and taking a step back and looking.

I have been commissioned to make a nursery sampler for next year and I am trying to come up with something new.  Every one I stitch is different so that every mum and dad to be have a unique gift to put in the nursery and therefore that child has a bespoke heirloom to pass on to future generations.

I am so enjoying hand stitching and only ever use the machine on journal covers and needlework cases, the majority of my work is hand stitched and of course so is the embroidery.

Well I am away again to continue my day, have a great day yourself.

Happy Stitching!

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