Thursday, 11 December 2014

Christmas vintage wish list!

Good Morning All

Well the big day is not that far away is it and really the preparations are well under way in this house. The stitching in this house has almost come to a stand still so that I can concentrate on the shopping and decorations.  All the lights are on outside our home and twinkling white lights brighten the dark cold evenings.

I have been thinking about some gifts I would like to receive and probably given my dear Husband a huge task.....

Some of what I would like is vintage and therefore a little hard for him to find really.  These are the things that can not be purchased on Amazon but at little independant vintage shops.  I really prefer to support local small businesses..

I have a awful lot of wrapping to do and a few more cards to write... I would like to make some of my own tags as well today.  When we wrap we start to pop it under the tree.. I must not go and shake any and be very patient!...

Have a lovely day and Happy Stitching!

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