Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Slow stitching with words ..

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches  in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all.

Emily Dickinson. 

Words on paper or in my slow stitching are very important to me.  A word can evoke all sorts of emotions and for me, most of the time, finishes a piece of work I am stitching just like a antique mother of pearl button.

We can use words to uplift us and inspire us, of course words can hurt us too but for me in my work I love quotes or indeed one single word, on occasions just does the job.

If I add a word or words to a stitching project I write it on there in fine pencil and stitch over it, it works for me and a puttty rubber is essential in my kit.  It rubs out pencil without smudging and is perfect on delicate antique linens, which is generally the base of most of my work, but not all.

Some of my favourite work has parts of poems from Shelley and Byron on them because their writings and musings really touch my soul.  If a little humour is needed my go to is Oscar Wilde

who I would have loved to have met.  I have played the game before where each person has to do an imaginary dinner party and invite 8 guests living or dead and he is always but always on my list at the head of the table!

As you all know I like to write letters and there are a hand full of pen pals I have and enjoy writing to.  I have not met them all but it is a goal to do so.  There has been talk of a girl week here at Thimble and from America, Canada and Belgium they eventually will come when Covid allows it.  To sit with a drink in our hands and all laugh, catch up and generally chatter will fill these beautiful walls with the happiest of memories.

To write is human, to receive a letter divine!

The weather here is certainly warming up and Spring has sprung.  A great walk here is by the River Stour and to catch sight of the Kingfishers and if very lucky the Otter family who enjoy, it seems, to have the audience.

This year I have vowed to get out and take more photos.

All along the lanes are signs of flower life with snowdrops, daffodils and the like.  My favourites when they appear are the foxgloves and I have some in my garden as well.  I am working on a piece of stitchery with them as the star of the piece.

Keeping up with my journals has been better this year both personal and stitchery ones.

There is something cathartic about it for me, with little sketches in my stitchery journal along

with an odd piece of gorgeous vintage fabric that has been used, for once used you can not just replicate it.  On the odd occasions you can pick up a little snippet of the same, it does not happen frequently.

In addition I keep a favourite saying or quote journal too and that is my go to on here frequently.

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous!

Ingrid Bergman.

One of todays little jobs ( who am I kidding! .. I mean joys) is to go through my antique carved mother of pearl buttons.  I have been collecting for some years now and have been lucky enough
to source, purchase and collect some real beauties.  I can not say for sure my favourites in truth.  However my half moons are up there at the top.  Delicate and beautiful and I have used one in one of my hare pictures.  The hare is staring into the sky and there it is a beautiful button moon.

Also in the photo is two of my antique carved mother of pearl star buttons, what not to like...

Do any of you have any unusual buttons that you love? I would love to hear about them and I am sure button lovers on here would like to do the same.

Anyway that is it for todays ramblings, I will be back here at the end of the week.  

As always ... Happy Stitching! and stay safe.

Sarah XX


  1. I am thankful to this blog giving unique and helpful knowledge about this topic.
      Lovers Blog

    1. Thank you, glad I have helped in some small way xx

  2. Morning Sarah, catching up. There is something quite special about mother of Pearl buttons. I also adore milk glass, even plain white - the tactility and coolness of them on your skin is lovely. I have a small collection of beautiful flower buttons, mainly glass. My absolute favourites are the ones fashioned like Bluebells in the perfect bluebell shape. Small pleasures. Love, Mo xxx
