Monday, 1 May 2017

The most beautiful Vintage Anniversary Gift ....

One should believe in marriage as in the
immortality of the soul.

 Honore de Balzac

Happy May Day all... well this is just a short visit today as I am off to the Larmer Tree Vintage Fair and was invited as a VIP... very honoured.

I did however have to just show you this.  My gorgeous husband bought me the most wonderful Anniversary present.  Now most of you will know our Wedding Anniversary is in October but Andrew always celebrates the day he caught sight of me for the very first time.  He said he could not take his eyes of me ( I actually knew that because we all know when someone is starring don't we?)

Anyway he dared to think (his words not mine!) that he may get courage to ask me out and he had met the woman he wanted to marry.  It took me a bit longer than that to be on his page but I am so glad that I did because I have such a happy marriage and such a generous and loving husband.  He has helped me over my Mum, held me when I cried for months loosing my Dad and been there for all the bad times and for all the fabulous times in our life together.  Happy to say loads more happy than sad times.

I have wanted an old type writer for years and have looked and pondered and walked away.  I want to be able to type on bits of fabrics but in old type face for pictures  ( then there is no need to wash it, you could not do it on fabric for a quilt )....

Not only did he buy this beauty for me but also different coloured ribbons to go in it as the people that save and restore old typewriters he bought it from make new ribbons for them to fit.  So in there at this moment is the black but he also bought Sepia, Blue and Purple as well ... to say I am thrilled and excited....

I am going to look forward to using this in some new designs and to type old fashioned letters too as I do write to two lovely ladies Donna and Bekah.  We send each other happy mail and one lives in America and the other in Canada .. I am so behind in my happy mail ladies as you can imagine but I will get to the post office I promise ......

Well I best away as I am off to the vintage fair, I will take photos and report on it for you all later in the week ....

Have a fabulous May Day!



  1. I have to say I think I have your husband's twin!
    Your typewriter is gorgeous

    Julie xxxxx

    1. Thank you Julie! And then we both have keepers!

  2. A lovely gift and very informative. I also have an old typewriter,maybe the same one, but didn't know you could get ribbons for them. I would never have thought of typing on fabric. Great idea. Could you tell me the name of the company that does the ribbons please. X

    1. Hi Dawn

      Will PM you after I have gone and looked at the name of the company ... the same typewriter each!
      We are lucky ladies ..

      Sarah xxx
