Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Our Anniversary!

Good morning all

Well it is quite unbelievable but it is our wedding Anniversary again.... where does time go.

Today I will not be working and having a wonderful day with my husband.....

So today enjoy whatever you are doing in our Autumnal weather.  The day we married it was sunny and warm with a slight breeze.... Autumn leaves were swirling as I sat in the carriage behind the horse.  I was with my best friend.  We were drinking a glass of champagne and watching the leaves fall.  My dad had died the year we married in the January so I felt no one could fill his boots, instead I had my best friend with me for company.

As far as I was concerned no one could take his place so I gave myself freely to my husband and walked down the aisle together in a ceremony in the New Forest at the Burley Manor, instead of a church.

We had a small wedding but we enjoyed it and my dad would have been very happy that I was happy.

So today we are going to enjoy our day and hope that you do too!


  1. Congratulations to you both!!
    Have a great day!

  2. How nicely said Sarah....happy anniversary to you both. Hope your day is filled with love, and happiness. God bless you both!
