Thursday, 23 October 2014

Canterbury Shaker Village...... New Hampshire

This a small movie of the Canterbury Shaker Village in New Hampshire!

This place is a tranquil haven and the landscape and forests and ponds there are stunning.  You can walk around the grounds and the houses on your own or you can join tours if you so wish.

This time of year in there restaurant they serve home made soups and breads along side pies and fruit...... It is a wonderful lunch.

They have restored so many of the buildings and in the school room there is a video of a lady who came to live in the village for many years of her childhood.  It is very moving as she explains how loved she was for the first time in her life! Think of me wandering around here!

This is a beautiful place and where I will be buying the shaker box for the competition, so join our blog today to be in a chance of winning....

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