Friday, 4 February 2022

Welcome February the month of love ... and lots of stitching projects.


Although February is short,

 it is filled with lots of love and sweet surprise.

Charmaine J Forde

The month of love and the shortest month in the year.  February can be a very cold month and I feel it is the month for lots of candles, throws and reds dotted around your home.  I call it the month of hygge.

For me the Spring is on its way but there is a few more months of cosy, cosy, cosy!  The log burner crackling and with my new/old day light lamp I can stitch in the dark evenings.  I have noticed though that the daylight hours have started to lengthen and that really is a joy.

The other thing that I have been up to is this, I was lucky enough to receive a beautiful Fortnum and Mason hamper for Christmas and the content was really thoughtful and delicious I must say. So the wicker hamper went in the large porch I have.  I have a wardrobe out there for coats you see and it sat happily on the top.

The thing is I was looking at it the other day and thought I know.  So I set about transferring my sewing projects that I have on the go from little baskets by my sewing chair to the F & M hamper, it has a lid and that is more protection and of course it looks a lot tidier as well.  It has tidied up beautifully and it is a far better use of this gorgeous basket than just in the porch.  As you can see from the photos I lined it with a antique piece of quilt then began adding my bits and pieces.  Finally the top layer went on with the projects.  All I have to do now is lift off the little pile of stitchery and all of my scissors, fabrics, threads and fabrics are at hand.

News on my Mum is the care home she is in has had a outbreak of Covid and restrictions are in place for visiting.  I can go in three times a week all done up in mask, visor, gloves, apron etc and so can my Sister.  As she is very poorly, however it is closed to most of the patients family at these times.  It means that I have more time at Thimble right now and my sister and I face time each other when we are there so the other one can  see Mum even when not present.  By going separately she is visited more.

This month see's me being at Thimble Cottage for 2 years on the 20th of this month! I really do not know where the time has gone.  I remember the worry of it and hoping it would feel like

home and it has not disappointed.  The moment I walked through the door and started making my personal stamp on it... I was home.

I need to get my on going stitching projects finished as I have another slightly bigger project starting soon and I will tell you all about that in the next blog.  The planning of it has been done and its about getting all the components together.  I am very excited about it and is very personal to me and includes lots of my wonderful vintage friends involved so watch this space.

I think I have mentioned that I feed 3 crows, who appeared very small and fluffy and had either been pushed out from their nest or indeed fell out.

Feeding them started last Summer and they are now big and a wonderful shinny black colour.  The come every day at around 4pm and call me.  They are tame enough that they are happy with me being around them, but more importantly they are not happy around other humans, I do not want them to trust too many  people because they are, after all wild birds.

I can whistle and they come and fight off any seagulls that try and take their food from them, the seagulls fly back to the sea later in the day and that is when they are fed.

This year may see them have their own families so I do not know if they will bring them here at all, I am hoping that they just teach them to hunt.  The crows do hunt too but have their one meal here at the end of the day.  They tried to come a few time in the day but I would not feed them as I wanted them to hunt too.

In addition to the hedgehogs that come on a regular basis from Spring I now have two blackbirds that arrive in the garden.  It is a pair and the male one sings the most beautiful songs in my apple tree.  I am now known as lady Dr Doolittle .... 

I think you must have guessed I am a total animal lover and eventually I will be getting a new addition to my family, a puppy dog.

It will be a couple of years time because I wish to travel a little first.  My sister will look after my said puppy when I go away but I need to have some freedom first.  I would like a brown little girl cocker spaniel and her name will be Ava, yes I have thought it through as you can read.

Walks will be fun and I am hoping that my sisters dog will take to it as it will be tiny.

Well that is it for today, I have a basket full of stitching to complete so that the new project can begin in earnest.

I will be going to settle down again in a moment and open my new basket of vintage goodies and continue on.

Hoping you all have a wonderful week.  

As always Happy Stitching and take care.

Sarah XX

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