Thursday, 10 February 2022

A quilt will warm your body and comfort your soul.


Blankets wrap you in warmth, quilts wrap you in love.

I am a bit excited and very happy that I have started out on a small friendship quilt.  It started about 3 weeks ago when I had an idea.  I messaged my friends in the vintage/stitching world and asked if I sent them a square of antique linen would they please write their name on it and stitch it.  In addition some decoration if they would like or had time to do.  Now some are very much in the vintage world but do not embroider so that handful are writing their name for me to stitch over and decorate, but most are doing their own.  They can choose how to decorate it and what colours, I really do not mind.

All the lovelies that I asked said they would be delighted  to do so and so I set about cutting squares.  They were all wrapped in tissue paper carefully and a little thank you card inside.

The next process was putting them all in my basket and walking to my local Post Office.  They have got to know me in there  since I moved into my little cottage and always comment on the decoration of the envelopes etc.  I do have pen pals as well, although of late I have not written much because of my Mum really.  Anyway these padded envelopes ( and there were a big bundle of them) caused a bit of a stir in there.  "OOH Sarah what are these?" I was asked. So I was chatting away about this very personal project for some while with the lovely ladies who work there. 

They all went off and have safely arrived.  I am doing a square too and mine is being finished off today.  I am now waiting for them to arrive back and it will be so very exciting to see them.  Then I will stitch each one together along with some gorgeous antique fabrics and have a small quilt or wall hanging.  I think it will be my lap quilt and then my great friends will always be there with me.  There is no time limit on when the squares need to be back with me, everyone is busy but over the next few months it is going to be so exciting when one drops through the letter box.

People are busy stitching their square that I sent and I know that some are already destined for the post box too.

Each stitched square will have a panel of delicious antique fabric attached to it and so it will be a name with decoration, then vintage fabric and then another name handstitched square and so on.

I haven't chosen the backing fabric yet as I want to see the front of the quilt stitched together first. 

Then there will be a border as well.  I am going to hand stitch a label for the back with the date on it as well and hope that in a 100 years from now someone will pick it up and enjoy the find as we all do at vintage fairs.  When you have a date and some form of name or names it is even more special.

The lap quilt will be hand quilted by me, its a task but an enjoyable one.  I am hoping to either stitch the ditch or hand stitch around each square, again when I see it all I will know which one to do...

When I have finished my square I will show you and of course when it is completed I will try my best to take a photo that you will be able to see it fairly clearly.

Other projects will be on the go as well, a smaller project to stitch whilst sitting with my Mum of course and other bits that I am eager to start.

As I was writing this the doorbell went and my lovely postie stood there with two little packages... guess what two squares have arrived today completed.  I am over the moon to say the least.

Yesterday I went out for a lovely walk and was delighted to see a patch of beautiful snowdrops their little white heads swaying in the breeze, it was a promise that the Spring is on its way.


The snowdrop, Winters timid child,

Awakes the life, bedwe'd with tears:

And flings around its fragance mild,

And where no rival flow'rets bloom,

Amid the bare and chilling gloom,

A beauteous gem appears!

Part of a beautiful poem by Mary Darby Robinson.

The above photo is my prized Susie Watson snowdrop jug 💟

The sun was shinning and it was very mild day, unlike today where it is hazy once more and colder, so today is a delicious stay in and stitch kind of day. The candles will be lit and fairy lights will be turned on and cheer up the hallway. Although I will go for a wander at some point, I do every day.

My F & M hamper basket is working out so well, I am so pleased with it as my sewing projects basket, because it has a lid as well. It keeps everything so tidy and kind of hides it away from sunlight and fire dust.

I need to go through some of my larger pieces of antique paisley fabrics to see which ones might be contenders in the backing of my friendship quilt and also which fabric might be the other squares in between the hand stitched squares, it is so exciting getting it all together.  Now that the post this morning has delivered me two of the beauties, this project has become real and such a happy project.

Going through my fabric stashes is a real joy and sometimes  (who am I kidding here!!) all the time I get caught up in it and what should take really no more that half an hour can turn into several hours!! It is one of my life's little pleasures though and I do have a genuine reason to do so today, although

maybe a bit premature at this stage in the project. It is good however to have some idea.  This is what I am convincing myself into anyway.

So later on I will be going into my studio and lighting the many candles and sit at this little desk or maybe at the large sewing table and sort through happily  - remembering where and when I bought each piece, although there a a fair few, I remember them all fondly, they are all so tactile and so very beautiful.  I again wonder what stories they could tell me of all those decades ago if the could speak.  

To choose some for this project will be a joy, they are too gorgeous to end up living in a drawer and never be seen or loved on a daily basis.

Anyway enough of my rambles for today, the time is ticking and I must away to my stitching.  As always Happy Stitching and please take care out there.

Sarah XX



  1. My goodness what a wonderful project. It will become a treasured possession and hold so much love in every stitch.

    1. Thank you, I am enjoying every square that lands on my doormat. The post is exciting right now.

      Sarah x

  2. I remember having those old heavy quilts from grandma's house

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