Friday, 3 March 2023

The quest for THE QUILT is over!

Quilts are scrapbooks of our hearts.

Simplicity can be so beautiful, naivety of a piece of slow stitching on a old panel of quilt is something to behold.  For me simple things bring me so much joy.  Taking a sandwich by the river watching otters playing or a Kingfisher diving for fish, sometimes nearly as big as they are.  A coffee with a friend and of course some hand sewing on the go.

I was talking to you all in my last blog post about finding a quilt that was worn and a little tattered, with all its life contained in the patches of fabrics pieced together.  Often the fabrics are on their second life because they are cut from old clothes or cloth worn out and good bits salvaged for making quilts and patching of other clothes that will still do if patched .... Make do and mend.

Anyway I decided to tackle a big project and for this I needed a beautiful old quilt that was in need of some TLC.  I put my feelers out to a few vintage dealer friends and most said they didn't right now.  They are getting more and more rare.  Private collectors are just that, we collect and of course we keep.

However I got hold of lovely Emma from Little Wren Vintage and joy of joys she had

just what I was looking for so we met up and I am pleased to say said quilt came home with me all freshly washed carefully .. I do confess to other things as well came home with me including another quilt (grin) The quilt hasn’t been photographed yet so no picture yet!

So now for the planning of my project and I will be filming too for prosperity and for viewing for those who would like to watch and to take part in some way.  You will see what I am talking about when I have filmed the first part.

I am excited and a little scared but very much looking forward to this project and hope you are too. Please let me know on here if you would like to be part of this - It does not involve you doing any stitching because it can not be posted around so where ever you are in the world  it will not matter.

New friendships will be made and lots of chatter with like minded people - If you love antique/vintage fabrics, quilts, slow stitching and threads I think you will enjoy this.  My sketchbook is out to pop ideas down and my camera is at the ready.  

Now one thing I purchased from Emma is a dear tiny bowl.  It has Mrs Tiggy - winkle on it.  Beatrix Potter and there is a little rhyme on there too.

Mrs Tiggy - Winkle's nose went sniffle, sniffle sniffle

 and her eyes went twinkle, twinkle twinkle.

Please let me explain : My sister and I have always called our Mum Mrs Tiggy! before 

she got Alzheimer's she would love to iron.  She thought is was relaxing and the best part of housework.  I can hear some of you shout REALLY! and others of you will be in total agreement with her.  Put on the radio and iron my darling Mum loved it.  I know that some of my best friends love ironing, but we are still friends!  I love ironing if it is vintage fabrics especially paisley .. you can keep your bedding and shirts thank you very much ..

So anyway I had to buy it, to me it is a constant reminder of better times when I would sit chatting to her whilst she ironed and us both having a coffee in her kitchen, laughing and chatting.  I would ask her about family history and all sorts of things and I am so very pleased I did.  Our Mum is still with us bless her, fading but not gone but no longer can talk and we miss that so much.

I thought pin cushion?  I will make a pin cushion with that and have found a very old piece of quilt that will work beautifully.  It did not take me long to select it but it took longer because I can not help myself in going through all my quilt pieces and thinking about where I purchased them and who from.  It really is a joy of mine that I afford myself whenever I can.  It never gets boring to me - a guilty pleasure that I love to do.

Also in my buying time with Emma I bought some exquisite pieces of a very old quilt that had seen better days that she had cut up. The quilt was not patchwork but hand stitched panels red on white.  All the thread has gone  but left little flecks that you can see the original patterns.  Adding to these squares will be such fun and pleasurable.  I

may go around the outline with a  single thread in red to keep the originality of the design, then add  little bits of embroidery.  It will be a little mending and a little add to their history and keeping its original design can only be good in my opinion.

i am going to be very busy for months with what I have in my project book and the finishing of my website to go live. Its been a marathon getting the builders to understand what I do and how I would like it to look.

Hoping you have enjoyed my vintage ramble today and also hoping to hear from you on here, I would appreciate your thoughts all in one place.

As always take great care and Happy Stitching!

Sarah XX

P.S .... Some great vintage fairs coming up that I have to squeeze in as well, I can not miss them.  First one is The Re- Claimed fair in Chipping Norton on Saturday 4th March it starts I believe at 10am.  Who knows I might well see some of you there!



  1. Lots of lovely items on this ramble Sarah. Love the little bowl and the lovely memories of your dear mum it gives you. Such a very strong loving lady to be still here. Also the lovely redwork panels. Love so see what you do with them. Enjoy your fairs and keep posting to us x
