Friday, 29 May 2020

Tales from Thimble Cottage....

….. And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves
growing on the trees, I had the familiar conviction that
life was beginning over again with the Summer.

Well news from Thimble, finally I have had the carpet laid in my studio and the furniture is in place and now I am busy sorting it out.  This helps me sort out my sewing room inside the cottage too.  Its where I have my laptop and that I write this blog.  This is what has kept me busy and the garden too since the garden centres have opened again.  Foxgloves, Lupins and more cottage garden goodies are now happily in place.

I have been enjoying unpacking and finding all my beautiful treasures, truffling through boxes and I can see an end to it now so by mid next week I should be able to work in The Threads of Time Studio.  With a large table to be able to cut out on as well.  This is where I will be taking workshops when life gets back to normal.  My first one is booked up but no date as yet because of Covid-19.

Pictures are on the walls of the studio and box by box the dresser and drawers are being filled.  I have a large tall cupboard with top glass doors in which quilts have been folded and displayed.  It is starting to look a lot more cosy and pretty with inspiration everywhere your eyes roam.

Beautiful fabrics and quilt pieces are waiting to be made into something gorgeous and I have to admit stroking all my wonderful timeworn fabrics, especially my paisley and eiderdown ones.  They are happily being folded up and put away for use. One of my favourites is in the background of the above photo I took, its so delicious I could not put it away for ages.

The weather has been really hot of late and I am able to sit in the garden and eat my supper of an evening. I am also very pleased to say there is a Mr Muddy Beak who is incredibly tame.  Sits very near me as I talk to him and I tell him all about Miss Muddy I left behind.  He sits there looking at me with a mouthful of worms as much as to say I am listening but I have a nest full of young I have to feed …..

Little gift bags are being made for the courses and the glass sweetie jar is being filled for those moments when only a sweet will do to help with inspiration and thoughts of fine stitchery, for the guests of Threads of Time.

I am missing the Vintage fairs so much and was so excited about returning to them this year but obviously they can not happen but happy days Ladies and Gents, The Vintage Bazaar is doing a fair on line on Instagram.... It starts at 10am.  

Just sit in your favourite spot in the garden or in a chair inside with a cold drink and make sure your device is fully charged.  Then watch all the wonderful stall holders start to load goodies for sale.  I myself will be there watching for gorgeous fabrics.

I am not sure what stall holders will be online but this is one of my most favourite of fairs and Liz and Clare who run this gorgeous fair have worked so hard to bring us fairs online.  

Anymore I hear of I will let you know on here and then when the glorious day comes we are all allowed once more to go to fair and take in the atmosphere and meet up with friends old and new, have a coffee and catch up and truffle in piles of glorious fabrics and vintage goodies … I will let you know quickly.

When you have a dream, you've got to grab it and never let go.

Carol Burnett

The other day I just needed to get out and stretch my legs and went on a gorgeous walk.  Found a great old Norman Church and then went via a bridle way.  I followed it along and to my amazement and merriment it crossed a little river.  It was up to just below my knees and very clear with little fish in it.  I rolled up my jeans and ploughed straight through it was wonderful and cooling and I have to say such fun.

Exploring around the little Dorset town where I live is so exciting and I can not wait for everything to open up again as there is so much to discover and I would like to go to a country pub again with friends. 
My Mum is getting used to FaceTime  and this morning we had time together on there.  She was very confused to begin with but she did blow me a kiss which I must admit made my eyes water with
happiness.  This lockdown is robbing me of precious time with her so thank goodness for technology. I blew a kiss back and told her to catch it and she put her hand out... today was a good day for her and it really cheered me up.

This picture is a sneak preview of a little corner of my studio.  The studio is 20ft by 12ft so it is airy and light.  The photo came out a bit dark I am afraid.  There is a large table and 6 chairs in the middle of the room to sit around and stitch.

So dear reader think of me out there this afternoon opening another box and the squeals of delight at finding treasure that has been packed away since December 2019... 
As you can imagine not lots of my stitching has been done either but that will change next week.  

When it is all put away I will be able to show you around, its my personal happy place and with the glass sun catchers and crystals at the windows and rainbows on the walls it feels so inviting and cool out of the sun.

I also have a pile of very old log cabin squares to press, I cut up a quilt that was torn about and not really fit for purpose... however as gorgeous squares to stitch on! Well it has a new purpose in life and
I am loving going through each beautiful log cabin square after square. The possibilities are endless and my favourites are the red and white ones personally.  Little wall hangings or cushion cover fronts but most of all little slow stitches to add to their beauty ..

You Can't use up creativity.  The more you use, the more you have.

Maya Angelou

Well thank you for reading my ramblings and I will be back here soon, much sooner than this time I promise.  That promise goes out to the lovely Brenda C.  You know who you are dear friend.  Thank you for our chat and you asking ever so nicely when my next blog would be as the last one was in April... 

Take care all and as always Happy Stitching! XX


  1. Just the glimpse of the corner of your studio had me excited. Looking forward to having a tour.

  2. Thank you, I can’t wait either. Watch this space xxx

  3. I did not read this when you posted but you are an inspiration to which I can relate. Love the vintage log cabin .. thanks Sarah. 💕

    1. Kind words indeed, Thank you it is lovely to read comments on here. It assures me I am not just rambling to the world wide web... There are people reading it! grin..
      I am glad you are enjoying it. Thank you xx

  4. I can't wait to see your studio Sarah - the little image and your description paint a very tantalising picture. Mo xxxx

    1. Hoping you will be one of the first Mo. Idea is the very first one is invite only just to introduce The Studio and do some stitching and have a lunch together. It was the idea of Vintage Dahling and she is so correct.
      Its coming along nicely it really is.

      Sarah xxx
