Autumn leaves are falling, filling up the streets; golden colours on the lawns, ,nature's trick or treat!
Rusty Fischer.
Hello you are most welcome and so lovely that you are here to listen to my whimsical rambles. Tales of stitchery, fabrics and Threads of time studio. Adventures, wanders by the river Avon and all the wonderful things that Autumn brings. I hope you have a warm drink in hand and a cosy corner to snuggle into, I have a wonderful hot chocolate here with pumpkin spice and pumpkin marsh mellows ... let the ramblings begin.
Firstly I would like to say to all my American friends who were caught up in the hurricane in Florida and two of my very best friends and family were, it was a sleepless night here waiting for updates, that I am so happy you are all ok. When we had high winds here two weeks ago it was bad enough I thought but for you, it would of been a gentle breeze! I know the clear up will not be easy but just know my thoughts are with you all and my love and hugs are virtually floating your way.
In those higher winds for us in Dorset I lost my rose arch and I cobbled together a prop of garden tools, well my new rose arch arrived at the weekend and I am glad to say it is up and holding my rose safely. New garden lights have been strung around the garden as my other ones were a casualty as well, being around 14 years old and survived the move here they probably were going to go anyway. The pumpkins in the little garden at Thimble are out and happy in their place for Autumn and so it was time to stitch.
Log burner season is upon us here and I have to say last night was cold, I did not light it but snuggled under a gorgeous patchwork quilt with a hot chocolate as I heard that the weather is going for a last hoorah this coming week and temperatures are going to rise again, who knows but cuddling under a quilt is so cosy that I really do not mind at all with all the candles and fairy lights twinkling.
There are a few wonderful vintage fairs coming up and I am very much looking forward to going to them. Two of my favourites are on the same day .. boo hoo but I will have to choose this week. One of them there are some dear friends going to so probably that is where I will choose. Then there is one near Salisbury ( which is only 20 miles down the road at the end of this month. The Christmas one literally 10 miles away is early November so I will attend all of those, which will be wonderful. Meeting up with wonderful friends is such a up lifting thing to do. Catch up coffee's too. After the Covid restrictions we had I never ever take it for granted at all.
I spotted the set of gorgeous tins online and purchased them. So great in my sewing case on the move and absolutely gorgeous to look at on my work table. Little things go in them and I can pick them up when I am on the move with my stitchery!
So to my projects updates. I am still making beautiful English paper pieces and really can not stop its become a great thing to do when the dark nights set in. Basting them together is so easy and relaxing but I have started to stitch them together to make beautiful pin cushions filled with lavender ground walnut shells and I am really happy with the results. One is for me but there will be some for sale as well if anyone is interested. Also if you or someone you know is a slow stitcher they would make a wonderful gift to yourself or a handmade with love gift for somebody.
I am putting the last few stitches to ' huswif'' I have made and I am thrilled with the result. I think I may put some packs together on how to make them using a antique tray cloth. Mine was all white with white embroidery and lace, which I further embelished with, yes you guessed it little hexagons made from antique paisley fabrics ... The tiny little needle case inside and a fixed pin cushion with scraps of beautiful fabrics hand stitched together and a scissor keep and little pocket. Great for on the move or packing in a case when away.
Life at Thimble is going into slower pace mode as in more time sat stitching, although I have been on some beautiful wanders down by the River and to a few stately homes of late. I am a member of the National Trust so it is really lovely to pop in with my card and have a good walk. The leaves are changing on the trees and the beauty of this time of the year is breath taking to say the least. Always with my little note book to scribble and a sketch and then it can be transferred into my various journals I have for different things.
If a year was tucked inside a clock.
Then Autumn would be the magic hour.
Victoria Erickson.
basket to take. Yes ready and waiting that is me. Having sorted through all my fabrics and selling some that I know I would not use these days there is room to purchase some more gorgeous bits of cloth and to gently unpack them and pop them away. Looking at them and wondering their cloth tales that they could regale to us if they could only speak. Imagine us all gathered and listening intently at their adventures.
My projects are all laid out on my work table and the little box of hexagons are by my favourite cosy place in my living room for later when the sunsets.
I have a few bundles of Autumn coloured paisleys out with me at the moment and I am designing leaf, acorn and pumpkins bits to pop onto another of my memory rolls.
I have taken inspiration from my trip to Paris in 2022 when I was there for 10 days. Visiting Monet gardens and house, Versailles Palace and gardens and lots of outdoor brocantes to find treasures if you remember. This roll is bigger than my first one and I found my feet on that one. I have planned this a little more than I did on my first attempt and they are the happiest of memories. Wandering around Paris is a pleasure and I will never tire of it. The chic of this wonderful city where everyone dresses up, whatever the occasion and I fully threw myself into it. I travelled on the Euro Star so luggage was not a issue at all in a car.
So this week I am really going to put my head down and stitch and I will be filming I hope for my You Tube channel as well now that the roofing is finished and the Rose Arch saga is behind me. So many things I need to be doing and the nights are drawing in, It is sad really however I can not help but adore Autumns and the changing of the leaves, watching squirrels run around stocking up their larders for the harsher months ahead. We as humans do much the same. I have bottled fruit from my three little fruittrees, ordered my fresh pumpkin spice and my apple spice ~ now nestled in their jars in the cupboard.
I made a big batch of pumpkin, apple and butterbean soup and there are several portions in my freezer for my busy days when I work late and only then have to heat it up with some wonderful bread.
Sat here drinking my hot chocolate and talking with you has been such fun, now though I really must get on with some tiny little stitches. I hope you are all well and have enjoyed my rambling today. I will take a few photos of the vintage fair and pop those on here next time and then tell you a little of my vintage adventure of all things fabric, stitchery and catching up with friends...
Until next week you all take great care and as always Happy Stitching!
Sarah XX
Pure cosy magic in a mug xx
super amazing work
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. Happy New year to you.