Saturday, 21 September 2024

And so it begins, Autumn days and little stitches.


And so the story begins, new projects, falling leaves

and the smell of open fires in the air.

Sarah Hawkings 2024

Tiny little stitches and ideas jumping around in my mind, thoughts, designs and stories contained with delicious fabric and linens.  Happy slow stitch days stretch before me and watching the birds eating the food I have popped out for them.  Robins visiting along with Mr and Mrs blackbird and of course Russel Crow who is even more hungrier it seems as the Season changes over. only this time he has company Mrs Crow, now named Sheryl and they have Baby Crow not named yet it  is all black apart
from a few downy feathers and fly's in with them but is partly still fed by them both and is learning to feed itself... I do not know if it is a boy or girl but oh so pretty and a little tame with me as he has realised I am a source of food!!  any ideas out there for this baby crows name?

The weather has been glorious in Dorset where I live the last week and I am so pleased. Sorting through fabrics  for the slow stitch packs and also sorting through for fabrics and bits for a meditation roll.  I have one shirt of my late Dad and the story is this, when he died of a heart attack back in 1999 my late Mums sister was 'helping' my Mum unbeknown to me and my sister and she gathered up my Dads clothes apart from what he was going to be buried in and took it all to a charity shop.  I was furious but in the dirty wash bin was one precious shirt which I claimed as mine...  I have over the years put it on over my clothes and sat with it on like he was giving me a hug.  Its been hanging in my wardrobe.   I am of two minds as to whether I should cut it up and use it in my personal sewing or not. It is vintage as it is around 30 years old now.  I thought I might add some to my latest meditation or memory roll ... can I bear to cut it or just keep it hanging unseen ... Any ideas please?

I am steadily getting time to stitch and catch up on my hexagon pile and sewing together pin cushions I have so much to stitch and this is when I always say ' oh to be a octopus and go for it! There does not seem to be the hours in the day with the nights drawing in before 8pm now and I really do need to get
some projects finished..

Looking forward to my sisters return from her holidays and a catch up, its her Birthday soon as well so we will spend the day together as a family and no stitching will be done that day.  My sister is not a stitcher and to be honest I have to go back a 100 years to find the grt grt Grandma who did quilt and sew.

Whilst writing this I am looking up and watching butterflies playing in the garden and it is so marvellous to see this late in the year.  I miss them in the Winter months and delight at the first sighting every year.  I just love to see the ballerinas of the sky, it makes me very happy indeed and always brings a huge smile to my face.

This weekend I will be going seaweed hunting as well along the Jurassic coast. I am loving the process so much and looking forward to framing some and some will be offered for sale as well . 

The Summer is slowly fading and Autumn is saying hello but the temperature has been glorious here. I know the weather is about to change down a few notches but I am enjoying each and every day as it comes.

My thoughts are turning to leaves and Autumn hours, pumpkin pie and hearty soups  .. I have started a sourdough culture and hope to be making my own bread. Her name is Peggy and she is very active and happy. I will keep you updated on this. 

Until next time Happy Stitching!

Sarah XX


  1. Oh your dad’s clothes. That would have upset me too! My friend took her dad‘s clothes and cut them up and made lap quilts. I took my mom’s costume jewelry and covered little heart shapes that could be hung off a door knob. Every time I look at it, I remember where she wore the certain pieces.

    1. Oh Kimberley how wonderful. I think my solution is cut a little square of his shirt and stitch it to my memory roll as I so want him on this one for lots of reasons. The patch the shirt and stitch on the patch, see memory roll for explantion!! x
