Monday, 6 June 2022

Threads of time studio

 A peek inside and out of my studio, where I will be taking workshops.

If you are interested please email me for further details.

  Come to my table and share with me warm gingerbread cookies and cinnamon tea ❤️

All the slow stitched projects will be created from gorgeous antique French linens and antique fabrics. Tuition all day and a homemade lunch are included.

I hope you enjoy the little video .

Sarah xx


  1. Love it!!! I will show you mine little sewing's currently storing some other things from the house during remodeling so it wouldn't be as pretty as yours. I love to get lost in it! Sweet video....and I watched it a couple times!

    1. Sarah Hawkings8 June 2022 at 03:55

      Thank you so much I am pleased you liked it enough to watch a few times! I have the studio ready to start workshops and trying to be struck about dumping bits in there! However if you are decorating I see why. Love to see your sewing space someday.🧵🪡

  2. This looks fabulous Sarah! It looks like a very inspiring space. I must admit I’m happiest when I’m in my sewing room - more often than not just faffing, but that always leads to something. Mo xx

  3. Sarah Hawkings27 June 2022 at 00:20

    Thank you Mo it’s a wonderful studio, it will come alive when filled with laughter and like minded people.❤️
